Emily Presidential Communication Time Line

  • Washington

    Washington was careful to not take too much power as head executive following the tyranny of Britain, so when he spoke to the Union he didn't offer many suggestions or criticisms of Congress. His popularity and trustworthiness set a precedent of the position being dignified and persuasive.
  • Lincoln

    Lincoln communicated by taking advantage of the new telegraph technology to strategize and send reports. This was a big switch from previous Presidents who weren't able to get messages sent at such a high speed and had to rely on newspapers and word of mouth.
  • McKinley

    McKinley was able to get people to come to him with issues, because he didn't want to leave his sick wife. This was possible because of improving railroads that helped people get across the country quicker. He also advanced communications from previous presidents because he was able to make the first campaign commercials with moving pictures.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt was able to connect with the American people with his witty personality. The newspaper style of the time worked well with his punchy slogans. Roosevelt is seen as the first modern president because he convinced the public to see the presidency to the most powerful branch through public exposure and his idea of a "bully pulpit".
  • FDR

    The second Roosevelt gave regular charismatic live radio addressed known as fireside chats as a way to talk directly and intimately to the American people. A few other presidents had given radio talks before FDR, but his dignified but personable voice was successful in communicating with the nation in an unprecedented manner.
  • JFK

    JFK used television for debates and press conferences. This switch to a visual form of communication meant that elections would now be influenced by appearances.
  • Clinton

    Clinton brought communication with the people even more into the 21st century with the use of emails and appearances on silly late night shows. This was different than presidents in the past because Clinton took the role of President less seriously and was a bit cavalier.
  • Obama

    Obama was the first President to use twitter, although it wasn't often and he didn't compose them himself. But this was a change because when presidents have social media they connect with the younger generations and can strongly influence their public image.
  • Trump

    Trump was the president who really utilized twitter as a main way of communicating with the people. Unlike Obama, he was active and tweeted thousands of time each year of his presidency. A possible downside of this constant communication is that Trump often shared a bit too much or shared inaccurate information. Social media gives presidents a direct line to the people that might need to be monitored or it could reveal flaws in the President.