Presidential succession

By 27haasn
  • william henry harrison

    william henry harrison
    William died of pneumonia(a disease in the lungs) after a speech.His state of the union to be exact. Vice president John Tyler took over as president.
  • Zachary Taylor

    Zachary Taylor
    Zachary died of Cholera(a bacterial disease). Vice president Millar fillmore took over as president.
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham died from an assassin named john wilkes booth. He was in Fords Theatre watching americans cousin.Vice president Andrew Johnson took over as president.
  • James A Garfield

    James A Garfield
    James died from an assassination from a guy named Charles Guiteau.He was at the train station waiting for the train with his secretary. Vice president Chester A arthur took over as president.
  • William Mckinley

    William Mckinley
    William died from an assassination by the name of Leon Czolgosz. He was in the temple of music when he was shot 2 times in the abdomen.Vice president Teddy Roosevelt took over as president.
  • Warren G

    Warren G
    Warren died after having a heart attack. Vice president Cabin Codage took over as president.
  • franklin Roosevelt

    franklin Roosevelt
    Franklin died of a hemorrhage in his stomach.Vice president henry s truman became president.
  • John F kennedy

    John F kennedy
    John died by an assassin named Lee Harvey Oswald.He was shot in his motorcade. Vice president Lyndon B. Johnson took over as president
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Richard resigned because the watergate scandal.He was found out by one of his cabinets people.Vice president Gerald Ford took over as president.