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president Ulysses Simpson grant

By ts2023
  • ulysses s grant first look on the world

    ulysses s grant  first look on the world
    Ulysses s grant was born April 27 1822 at Point Pleasant, Ohio in a one story wood frame home to Jesse and Hannah Simpson Grant.
  • Ulysses s grants occupation

    Ulysses s grant occupation is framing, real estate agent, and solider
  • Ulysses s grant education

    Ulysses s grant education
    ulysses s grant went to U.S. Military Academy, West Point
  • Ulysses s grant marriage

    Ulysses s grant marriage
    Ulysses s grant got married to Julia Bogs Dent
  • ulysses s grants first troop

    ulysses s grants first troop
    Grant was assigned to the Fourth Infantry at the Jefferson Barracks, just south of St. Louis, Missouri.
  • ulysses has a kid

    ulysses has a kid
    ulysses kid was born
  • the republication evention

    the republication evention
    the Republican Convention in Chicago.
  • notification comittee

    notification comittee
    Grant formally accepts the nomination in Remarks to the Notification Committee
  • election day

    election day
    grant wins 72.8% of the Electoral College and 52.7% of the popular vote to defeat Democrat Horatio Seymour.
  • ulysses s grants first day

    ulysses s grants first day
    Ulysses s grants first day as the president of the united sates of america
  • Brooklyn Bridge begins

    Brooklyn Bridge begins
    Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge begins
  • Grant vetoes the Private Relief Bill

    Grant vetoes the Private Relief Bill
    Grant vetoes the Private Relief Bill and will continue to veto many additional relief bills during his two terms.
  • Virginia readmitted

    Virginia readmitted
    Virginia is readmitted to the Union
  • United States Weather Bureau established

    United States Weather Bureau established
    The United States Weather Bureau is established. Originally, the Bureau is part of the Signal Corps.
  • Fifteenth Amendment

     Fifteenth Amendment
    stipulating that no state shall deprive any citizen of the right to vote because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude” -- is adopted with Grant's help and approval. The suffrage amendment is only partially successful. During Reconstruction, black men vote frequently; following Reconstruction, however, whites use discriminatory laws and taxes to disenfranchise black men.
  • Fenian Army of Vermont

    Fenian Army of Vermont
    Grant issues a proclamation against the attempts of the Fenian Brotherhood to damage Anglo-United States relations by attacking Canada. The next day, the Fenian Army of Vermont attempts to invade Canada but is driven back.
  • Creation of the Department of Justice

    Creation of the Department of Justice
    Congress passes an act creating a Department of Justice under the direction of an attorney general.
  • A new tariff is passed

     A new tariff is passed
    A new tariff is passed following debates about tariff reduction. The new law maintains most existing protectionist features.
  • First civil service commission

    First civil service commission
    Grant establishes the first civil service commission. Without additional appropriations from Congress, however, the commission is rendered ineffective.
  • Great Chicago Fire

    Great Chicago Fire
    The city of Chicago is nearly burned to the ground in one of the worst disasters in U.S. history. The rise of skyscrapers, as part of the city's rebuilding project, marks an innovation in urban architecture.
  • dispuite election

    dispuite election
  • not interested in relection

    not interested in relection
    n 1875, Grant wrote a public letter formally renouncing any interest.
  • ulysses s grants last day as president

    ulysses s grants last day as president
    March 4, 1877
  • remembrance of presidncy

    remembrance of presidncy
    Overall, Grant's intentions were honorable, and he made efforts that few had attempted before him, especially in the areas of African American rights, Native American policy, and civil service reform. He also executed a successful foreign policy and was responsible for improving Anglo-American relations
  • fortune

    Grant loses his fortune when he is swindled by his son's business partner, Ferdinand Ward.
  • filmer

    became a partner in a financial firm, which went bankrupt
  • dead

    On July 23, 1885, President Ulysses S. Grant died of throat cancer. Due to the summer heat, the body was embalmed immediately and placed in a temporary glass coffin.
  • last words

    last words
    “yes I said yes I will Yes.”
  • why licoln like ulysses

    why licoln like ulysses
    aggressive, fighting spirit
  • Construction of Grant's Tomb is completed.

    Construction of Grant's Tomb is completed.
    Grant's Tomb is dedicated in an elaborate ceremony attended by hundreds of thousands of people