Day of break in/bugging
Five men are arrested during a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate building. They are arrested after an efffort to plant electronic "bugs" in the Democratic Party's headquarters. To listen to all of their conversations and plot to get the president re-elcted. This was caused by the organization CREEP (Comitee to re-elect the president) and its effect mad the president resign/stepout. -
This picture relates to the Watergate breakin, becuase it shows some of the things/gadgets these men had with them. These men didn't only bring gloves, wrenches, and screwdrivesrs, but guns and pens equipped with tear gas, which is something that was like wow these guys were ready, and really didn't want to be caught. Showed something bigger is going on that is very important. -
This picture shows how the american public and the detectives are putting the evidence together one by one and every single peice of evidence leads to the white house. To Nixon. -
This is showing and making fun of how because NIxon tried to cover up the scandal by deleting parts of the tapes he just made it more obvious it was him, and hurt himself just as much as with those conversations probably would have. This is also one of the turning points in the investigations, when he handed in the tapes and they were missing important conversations or parts. -
President Nixon and Ade H.R Haldeman Dicuss Watergate Affair
Prosecutors find an 18-minute gap in tape of that conversation.This is a turning point in the investigation when prosecutors find this because this is very fishy and makes Nixon look bad. -
Check from re-election comitee connects burgulars to white house
A $25,000 check which given to the Nixon re-election campaign is found in the bank account of one of the Watergate burglars. Further investigation revealed that more money had been given to burglars to support their travel, living expenses, and purchases. This caused the creation of security measures of how campaigns could spend and use their money. -
FBI realize watergate scandal was part of CREEP and that Nixon is involved
This begins to unravel the cover-up that those closest to Nixon are involved in the Watergate scandal. The fact that the President denies knowledge of these acts begins to make the people wonder and journalists are on his trail to find out who is behing this. -
Primary Quote from President Nixon
"You must pursue this investigation of Watergate even if it leads to the president. I'm innocent. You've got to believe I'm innocent. If you don't, take my job."
This quote shows Nixon at the beginning of the investigation and how he thought there was no way they could find out that it was him. Also shows how if he is guiltym, take my job as president, the most powerful man in the U.S. This makes the people think "Hey maybe he's not giulty if he will give up his presidency over this." -
Primary Quote elaborated on
"I can see clearly now... that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate."
Nixon is now saying how he was wrong in not telling the truth and how he dealt with Watergate in the wrong mattter and he should have been more straight forward about what happened. -
Watergate is now a national scandal and two offical investigations happening
The public suspects the president is tied to the Watergate break-in and seeing the investigation on TV has only made it clearer to them that the president lied when he called the break-in a "third-rate burglary". -
John Dean the presidnets lawyer admits to talking about Watergate Coverup with Nixon
John Dean has told Watergate investigators that he discussed the Watergate cover-up with President Nixon at least 35 times. This makes the public confirm their suspicions about Nixon.