Kennedy Elected as President & inagural address
Period: to
35th President of the United States
John F. Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps by executive order.
Bay of Pigs
a group of CIA-trained Cuban exiles attempts to invade and are captured in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. -
Mission to the Moon
Kennedy announces his goal of putting a man on the moon -
Cuban Missle Crisis
JFK is shown photos of Soviet nuclear missile sites being installed in Cuba. To minimize Soviet power in the West, the president initiates a blockade of Cuba the following week. For nearly two weeks, the Cuban Missile Crisis will bring the world closer to nuclear war than ever before or after. -
Khrushchev Pulls Missiles Out of Cuba
After a week of extreme U.S.-Soviet tension, the Cuban Missile Crisis ends when Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev finally agrees to remove the missiles from Cuba. -
Civil Rights
In a televised address to the nation, Kennedy proposes the enactment of civil rights legislation, marking his first decisive action on civil rights. -
JFK Assassination
Lee Harvey Oswald shoots and kills John F. Kennedy in Dallas, where the president is campaigning for re-election.