President George W Bush Timeline 2001-2006 (images are from google and Wikipedia)

  • Ground zero Speech

    Ground zero Speech
    Three days after the 9/11 attack President Bush delivered the Ground zero speech promising that the ones responsible for the attack will be dealt with. the speech was to keep spirits strong despite everything that happened on September 11th. The 9/11 event only made USA stronger.
  • Bush declared war on Afghanistan

    Bush declared war on Afghanistan
    Bush launched Operation Enduring Freedom to stamp out Islamic terrorism from Afghanistan.This marked the beginning of the war against Afghanistan. The US had help from the British, Canadian, Australian, German and French forces.
  • Iraq war authorized

    Iraq war authorized
    The US congress Authorized president Bush's request request for war on Iraq because they believed Saddam Hussein held weapons of mass destruction. The fear of him starting all out nuclear war made sense being that a single nuke can bring about an end to all life on earth. That thought is scary.
  • Declared war on Iraq

    Declared war on Iraq
    This war was part of the "War on Terror." the Invasion began on the 20th of march. The war ended on 1 May 2003
  • Space Shuttle Columbia self-destructs

    Space Shuttle Columbia self-destructs
    During re-entry it disintegrated and killed all 7 crew members.The cause of the destruction of the shuttle was wing damage from debris. The Space Shuttle Fleet were grounded for more than two years while they revised the Safety regulations because of the incident.
  • Operation Red Dawn

    Operation Red Dawn
    The goal of the operation was to capture Saddam Hussein and try him for crimes against humanity. He was successfully captured and was tried on the 5th of November. The operation made the planet a safer place.
  • 9/11 commission report

    9/11 commission report
    A official report of the 9/11 terrorist attack. Congress mandated to provide recommendations made to guard against future attacks. The report is available in PDF files
  • Bush wins relection

    Bush wins relection
    Bush ran against John Kerry. Bush won by 286 votes. that is 50.7% of America at the time.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    It was one of the deadliest hurricane in history. It took over 1000 lives and did $108 billion worth of damage. It winds traveled 175 mph.
  • Chief Justice Roberts-Supreme Court

    Chief Justice Roberts-Supreme Court
    He is the 17th Chief Justice of the United States. He spent 14 years doing private law practice. Roberts is also the current Chief Justice.
  • Saddam Hussein found Guilty

    Saddam Hussein found Guilty
    He was tried for committing crimes against humanity. He was found guilty and was sentenced to death. He was executed December 30, 2006
  • Former President G. Ford dies

    Former President G. Ford dies
    Died at the age of 93.He surpassed Ronald Reagan of being the oldest former president by a month. The time he died was 6:45 P.M.