Gerald ford pic

President Ford

  • House of Representatives

    House of Representatives
    He was elected into the house of representatives 1948. He stayed there for 25 years and he was becoming well respected.
  • Spiro Agnew Resigns

    Spiro Agnew Resigns
    Following a scandal of corruption while governor of Maryland, Spiro Agnew is forced to resign from Vice President. This is under Nixon's presidency.
  • Ford becomes Vice President

    Ford becomes Vice President
    Gerald Ford is appointed VP by President Nixon following Agnew's resignation.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    The Watergate Scandal of 1972 caught up to President Nixon even though he didn't participate he still helped cover up. In order to avoid sure impeachment, Nixon resigns.
  • Ford becomes President

    Ford becomes President
    Nixon resigned and since Ford was VP he became the 38th president of the United States.
  • President Ford pardons Nixon

    President Ford pardons Nixon
    President Ford pardons Former President Nixon of his crimes. Very controversial move.
  • Ford vs Carter

    Ford vs Carter
    Ford loses to Democrat Jimmy Carter in Presidential elections.
  • President Ford Dies

    President Ford Dies
    President Gerald Ford dies at the age of 93.