
  • abraham lincoln

    abraham lincoln
    preserving the union during the cival war. he also issued the amancipation proclamation which helped free confederate slaves.gettysburg adress which is one of the most famous speeches.
  • andrew johnson

    andrew johnson
    signed the cival rights bill.lead the purchase of alaska from russian empire in 1867. he also created new cival rights.
  • ulysses s. Grant

    ulysses s. Grant
    allowed the passage of the 15th amendment into the constitution. signed bills which promoted black voting rights and he signed the amnesty act of 1872.
  • rutherford b. Hayes

    rutherford b. Hayes
    Shelped end the reconstuction. he opposed the bland allison act which required the government to purchase silver monthly. he aslo supported the cival service reform.
  • james a. garfield

    james a. garfield
    signed the pendleton cival service reform act.lead the investigation of mail fraud known as the star route scandal. he also reestablished the independence of presidency.
  • chester A. Arthur

    chester A. Arthur
    signed the tarriff act of 1883. his administration enacted the first general federal immigration law. he also signed the edmunds act.
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
    passed a bill in 1886 that would require the goverment to coin an unlimited amount of silver. he also signed an act creating the interstate commerce commission. he was known for angering western railroaders by ordering an investigation on their lands.
  • benjamin harrison

    benjamin harrison
    he passed the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Dependent and Disability Pensions Act and he passed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act.
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
    passed a bill in 1886 that would require the goverment to coin an unlimited amount of silver. he also signed an act creating the interstate commerce commission. he was known for angering western railroaders by ordering an investigation on their lands.
  • william mckinley

    william mckinley
    reformed the system to make it more flexible in cival service administration. he annexed hawaii to the united states on june 16, 1897. the gold standard act was officially placed on the golds standard due to him.