Presidency Of George Washington

By Cathie
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    The French and Indian War

    It was a very difficult war. Both sides were most likely starving, mostly George's army. But it was all ended with the Treaty of Paris.
  • The Continential Congress

    In short, this was the ultimate BoyCott of British goods by the currently controled America who wanted freedom.
  • Religious freedom

    George Washington and God decided together that freedom also involved choosing who and what to worship. He visited the Toro Synogauge in Rhode Island.
  • George Washington becomes president.

    George Washington becomes president.
    After being a wonderful war leader and not only serving the citizens, but his soldiers as well, he earned the rightfully deserved title as president of the U.S.A.
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    The Inouragation or George Washington

    It was official. He kissed his Bible and held it into the air and was officially declared president!
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    The terrif

    George Washington hands out a 5% tax. It was probably lowered to that amount to prevent poverty
  • The U.S Census

    George Washington and others declared that there be free men and women under and over the age of sixteen. But since a lot of people said that slavery should still be a thing, George Washington wanted the country to be happy and free so he still had a little bit of slavery.
  • Ratifying the Constitution

    Followed by three great compromises, George Washington helped pave the way to the Federal Constitutional Convention in Philidelphia. and reveal how politically mature he truly was.
  • The Copyright Act

    This act provided books, charts, and maps for 14 years with a renewal just as long.
  • Establishing the capital

    It was time for slavery to stop. To do this, George Washington decided to appease the Pro-slave states and countries so they can agree with the ones that are against slavery.
  • Revolutionary War Debts

    George Washington was probably one of the very few Generals that made sure to love and care for his soldiers. And despite having little leadership experience, he was able to secure victory for his whole country.