Present Progresive

  • Present Progresive

    Present Progresive
    Evolution on of the tenses.
    Todos los idiomas existentes cambian, provocando así un dolor de cabeza para muchas personas. El problema es que se trata de algo que no puede evitarse. Los únicos idiomas que no cambian son los que han dejado de existir. Wall Street English Argentina (2016)
  • Presente Progressive

    Presente Progressive
    The present progressive, also called the present continuous, is formed with the verb BE conjugated in the simple present followed by a present participle. This is the formula: Subject + BE + (verb+ing). (2021) Lawless English
  • Present Progressive

    Present Progressive
    The Present Progressive is used when we talk about something which is happening now. It is also called Present Continuous.Verbs that express states are normally not used with the Present Progressive.
  • What is the Presente Progressive?

    What is the Presente Progressive?
    The PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE indicates continuing action, something going on now. This tense is formed with the helping "to be" verb, in the present tense, plus the present participle of the verb (with an -ing ending)
  • Sentences with the Present Progressive

    Sentences with the Present Progressive
    1.- I am drinking water.
    2.- She is eating a pear.
    3.- He is walkin in the park.