Present Day Timeline

  • Period: to

    Present Day Timeline

  • Pipeline Complete (Economic)

    Pipeline Complete (Economic)
    The 1770 km oil pipeline from Edmonton to the Great Lakes was completed, linking Canada's gas fields with the markets of central Canada. In 1958 Alberta gas finally reached Toronto and imports of Texas gas ended.
  • St. Lawrence Seaway (Economic)

    St. Lawrence Seaway (Economic)
    The St Lawrence Seaway was opened to commercial shipping. Queen Elizabeth II and President Eisenhower dedicated it on June 26. The Seaway provided transportation for ocean going vessels from Lake Superior to Montréal.
  • Canadian Bill of Rights (Political)

    Canadian Bill of Rights (Political)
    The House of Commons approved the Canadian Bill of Rights, which received royal assent on August 10. Although the Bill did not bind the provinces, it obliged the federal government to gurantee civil rights and freedoms to all Canadians.
  • New Flag (Political)

    New Flag (Political)
    A new national flag of Canada was adopted after much debate. The Senate gave its approval on 17 December. Queen Elizabeth signed the royal proclamation on 28 January and the new flag, with its red maple leaf and side bars, flew officially for the first time on 15 February 1965.
  • Summit Series (International)

    Summit Series (International)
    Paul Henderson scored the dramatic winning goal with 34 seconds left as Canada defeated the Soviet Union 6–5 in the final game of the Summit Series.
  • Anik A-2 Launched (Economic)

    Anik A-2 Launched (Economic)
    The telecommunications satellite Anik A-2 was launched from Cape Canaveral, Fla. With its launch, Canada became the first country in the world to employ satellites for domestic communications.
  • Marathon of Hope (Cultural)

    Marathon of Hope (Cultural)
    Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope in St. John's, NL, to raise money for cancer research. The run ended on 1 September in Thunder Bay, ON, after cancer was discovered in his lungs. Within days the marathon had raised over $10 million.
  • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Political)

    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Political)
    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms affirms the right of every Canadian citizen 18 and older to vote and to stand as a candidate.
  • Free Trade Agreement (Political)

    Free Trade Agreement (Political)
    The Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the US went into effect. The pact, later expanded through NAFTA, would profoundly alter the economic relationship between Canada and the United States.
  • OKA Crisis (Cultural)

    OKA Crisis (Cultural)
    The Oka Crisis is triggered by plans to expand a golf course and build luxury condominiums on disputed lands that include the burial grounds of the Mohawk people. A 78-day violent standoff follows between Mohawk protestors, police and the army in Oka, QC.
  • Men's Hockey Win Gold (International)

    Men's Hockey Win Gold (International)
    The Canadian men's hockey team won the Olympic gold medal at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, defeating the US 3-2 in overtime when centre Sidney Crosby, assisted by Jarome Iginla, scored against the US. Crosby's goal is considered one of the greatest in the history of Canadian hockey.
  • Orange Shirt Day (Cultural)

    Orange Shirt Day (Cultural)
    Residential School survivors and their families gathered at Williams Lake, BC, to honour the survivors. Phyllis Webstad, a Northern Secwepemc (Shuswap) woman, spoke of her first day at Residential School, when she was stripped of her new orange shirt. From this came the idea to adopt the orange shirt as a symbol of remembrance, teaching and healing.