Prenatal Timeline

By cmom
  • Preimplantation Period

    Preimplantation Period
    The preimplantation period takes place during the first week after conception, During fertilization, conception begins where a woman's ovum and man's sperm meets. This happens near the beginning of the first week of the preimplantation.
  • Final stages of meiosis

    Final stages of meiosis
    The final stages of meiosis takes place during fertilization. The end result of this process is ovum's chromosomes and sperm joining together. As a result, there are a proper number of chromosomes.
  • Zygote alteration

    Zygote alteration
    Once fertilization is done, the zygote begins mitosis. During this time the zygote modify into a blastocyst.
  • Blastocyst going through implantation

    Blastocyst going through implantation
    The blastocyst undergoes implantation near the end of the week. It is located in the prepared endometrium. This happens after the process of mitotic cleavage which is when blastocyst splits into an abundance of cells.
  • Bilaminar discs in the Embryonic period

    Bilaminar discs in the Embryonic period
    The embryonic period is the second period of prenatal development. The third week of prenatal development, the primitive streaks form in the bilaminar disc. Each embryonic cell layer serves a certain role. The ectoderm is associated with the central nervous system.The CNS develops in the embryo.
  • Stomodeum and Oral Cavity

    Stomodeum and Oral Cavity
    Near the beginning of the fourth week, the primitive mouth is modified to the stomodeum which used to be a shallow depression.
  • Frontonasal Processes

    Frontonasal Processes
    When it is the fourth week, the frontonasal processes are morphing into a bulge of tissue at the most cephalic end of the embryo. In the future, this will be altered to the upper face which includes the forehead, bridge of the nose, primary palate, nasal septum, and many other structures that are associated with the medial nasal processes.
  • Secondary Palate and Tongue

    Secondary Palate and Tongue
    Now at the sixth week of prenatal development (in the embryonic period), bilateral maxillary processes creates two palatal shelves. Both of the shelves grow inside the stomodeum in a vertical direction and on both sides of the tongue. The tongue is still forming.
  • Odontongenesis at it's early stage

    Odontongenesis at it's early stage
    Odontogenesis of the primary dentition occurs at some point between the sixth and eighth week. The first stage involves the process, induction. At this time, the ectoderm gives rise to the oral epithelium and then to the dental lamina.
  • Fetus Development

    Fetus Development
    The embryo turns into a fetus at the beginning of the ninth week or third month. The fetal heartbeat and fetal movements are present.