Prenatal Timeline

  • Week 4 ( the start of your second month

    the embryo is about 2 mm long and about the size of a poppy seed. It is still called a blastocyst. The embryo starts to form three different cell layers: The endoderm, or inner layer, is what eventually gives rise to the digestive tract, liver, and lungs, among other essential organs. The middle layer, or mesoderm, gives rise to the heart, muscles, bones, and blood arteries, among other things. The ectoderm, or outside layer, is where organs like the skin, hair, nails, and brain develop.
  • week 4 continuing

    At this early stage, many women might not detect any symptoms at all, however some typical early indicators include: mild abdominal pressure or discomfort brought on by the implantation. The implantation bleeding, sometimes referred to as light spotting, can happen as the embryo burrows into the uterine wall. breast tenderness brought on by hormonal shifts that ready the breasts for nursing. exhaustion brought on by the body's higher metabolic needs while promoting fetal development.
  • week 4 last one

    Testing for Pregnancy Around this time, hCG can usually be detected in urine using at-home pregnancy tests. If a test is conducted after a missing menstruation, it can often be as accurate as 99%. In summary In conclusion, crucial advances in embryonic growth and notable hormonal changes in the mother's body are hallmarks of week four of pregnancy
  • congrats youre at week 5!

    The embryo is approximately 2mm long, about the size of a sesame seed. At this stage, the foundations for major organs are being established. The heart is forming as a simple tube-like structure and will begin to beat around this time. Blood vessels are also starting to develop, and blood circulation begins within the embryo. The neural tube, which will become the brain and spinal cord, is developing as an open groove that will eventually close. This process is crucial
  • week 5 continuing

    Week 5 is usually when most women begin to suspect they could be pregnant, usually as a result of missing their period. Typical early pregnancy symptoms could be: Fatigue: Feelings of fatigue may result from elevated progesterone levels.
    Nausea: this condition can strike at any time of day. Breast Tenderness: Changes in hormones can make the breasts seem bloated or painful. Urination: Women discover that they need to urinate more frequently
  • end of your 5th week

    Levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) rise noticeably. Tests for pregnancy at home can identify this hormone, which is essential for sustaining pregnancy. The hormones progesterone and estrogen, which are essential for maintaining an early pregnancy, are supported by the rise in hCG. This is where and when you should'nt drink alcohol, smoke, or refrain from drugs.
  • you made it to 6 weeks, wow!

    During the 6th week of pregnancy, your baby is undergoing rapid growth and development. The embryo measures approximately 6mm long, which is about the size of a sweet pea or a nailhead. The neural tube, which will develop into the brain and spinal cord, is closing along the back of the embryo. The heart begins to form and may start beating, which can sometimes be detected via vaginal ultrasound.
  • 6th week

    Important organs like the mouth, nose, jaw, kidneys, liver, and lungs are starting to take shape. The webbed structures that eventually develop into fingers and toes are visible in the hand and foot buds. The jaw, chin, and cheeks are growing as the head shapes. Little dots will grow into eyes, and indentations on either side of the skull will become ear canals.
  • end of your week 6!

    Emotional Fluctuations: Hormonal changes during this time often cause mood swings.
    Considering Health It's critical to keep an eye on your health at this point: If you haven't already, make an appointment for your first prenatal visit. A complete physical examination and blood tests to look for different health markers are usually included of this visit. Keeping up a nutrient-dense, well-balanced diet is essential for you and your growing child. Frequent little meals could help reduce nausea.
  • continuing of week 6

    Modifications to Your Body Your baby's rapid growth may cause you to go through a number of bodily changes: women report experiencing like exhaustion, sore breasts, frequent urination owing to hormonal changes, nausea, and increased blood flow to the pelvic area. Digestive Changes: The relaxing of the muscle at the top of your stomach may cause heartburn to start. Digestional secretions may back up into the esophagus as a result.
  • your final week of month 2, week 7.

    7 weeks pregnant, the embryo measures about 10mm long from head to bottom, which is approximately the size of a blueberry. This measurement is referred to as the crown-rump length. The brain is developing rapidly, leading to a larger forehead compared to the rest of the body. The eyes and ears are continuing their development; while inner ears begin to form, outer ears will not appear for a few more weeks.
  • week 7 continues

    Limb buds are forming cartilage that will eventually develop into bones for the arms and legs. The arm buds are elongating and flattening at the ends, which will become hands in due time. Additionally, nerve cells are multiplying as the brain and spinal cord take shape. By this stage in pregnancy, your womb has grown to about the size of a lemon. Many women experience fatigue and may notice that their breasts feel sore and enlarged
  • almost there for week 7

    Frequent urination becomes common due to increased blood flow and hormonal changes. Symptoms such as nausea or morning sickness may start around this time but typically improve after about 14 weeks of pregnancy. Other early pregnancy symptoms can include mood swings, food aversions, headaches, heightened sense of smell, and changes in skin pigmentation known as chloasma.
  • end of week 7!

    Common physical symptoms are A metallic taste in your mouth, Sore breasts, Morning sickness, Increased salivation, Bloating
    Cramping similar to period pains. While some women may experience light spotting or cramping without it being a cause for concern, any severe pain or heavy bleeding should prompt immediate consultation with a healthcare provider. Healthcare Considerations It’s crucial for expectant mothers to maintain good oral hygiene since gum problems can arise during pregnancy.