The world was in distrut with poverty, disease, and war.
HundredsUpon Thousnds return to the wasteland that was once the United States
The Burgesses rise up and make rule, regulations, and how the government should work.
The Federation is Declared as a Country
The Federation starts a manditory global renewable energy program
The Federation Starts a Global Clean Up Project
Period: to
The Federation is Founded by the Burgesses in 2015
The Federation has sucsefully maped the Earth
The Federation Deploys Troops to what is left of Russia to stop a Nucular Threat
The Federeation Opens the seed vault in the Artic to start bringing back the Earth to its original state
The Federation Starts its Role Testing Program
The Federations Citizens Rights are Established.
The Federation Government is established
The Federation Spending Limit is set at $5 Trillion
The Federation Builds its Scientific and Military Reserch Facility
The Federation Declares Intersteller Space Travel Program