Prelude to the cold war and the cold war timeline project

  • Period: to

    Roosevelt Presidency

  • Tehran Conference

  • Roosevelt signs s Servicemen Readjustment Act of 1944 signed into law

  • Yalta conference

  • Period: to

    Truman Presidency

  • Potsdam Conference

  • Period: to

    Baby Boom/Baby Boomers

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Truman announces The Truman Doctrine

  • Marshall plan signed into law

  • The Truman Doctrine aids Greece and Turkey

  • The Fall of Nationalist China and the retreat to Taiwan

  • NATO Founded

  • NSC 68 presented to Truman

  • Korean War begins

  • Period: to

    Eisenhower Presidency

  • Cuban revolution begins

  • American sponsored Iranian coup d'état takes place

  • Battle of Điện Biên Phủ begins in Vietnam

  • American sponsored Guatemalan coup d'état takes place

  • Period: to

    American Involvement in Vietnam

  • Warsaw Pact founded

  • Period: to

    Space race

  • Sputnik I Launched

  • NASA founded

  • Cuban dictator Batista ousted revolution ends

  • Francis Gary Powers shot down causing U2 incident

  • Period: to

    Kennedy Presidency

  • Bay of pigs incident begins

  • Bay of pigs ends with Cuban victory

  • Cuban missile crisis

  • Cuban missile crisis ends

  • Ngo Diem Coup

  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

  • Period: to

    Johnson Presidency

  • Civil Rights Act enacted

  • Gulf of Tonkin incident

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed

  • Assassination of Malcolm X

  • Voting Rights Act enacted

  • Tet Offensive launched

  • Assassination of Martin Luther King. Jr.

  • Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

  • Period: to

    Nixon Presidency

  • First Earth Day

  • Nixon launches Cambodia incursion

  • Environmental Protection Agency founded

  • Paris Peace Accords signed

  • Period: to

    Ford Presidency

  • Pardon of Richard Nixon

  • Mayaguez Incident

  • Period: to

    Carter Presidency

  • Iran Hostage crisis begins

  • ades Afghanistan

  • Iran hostage release

  • Period: to

    Reagan Presidency

  • Reykjavik Summit

  • Period: to

    Bush Sr. Presidency

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • First Gulf/Iraq War begins

  • First Gulf/iraw War ends

  • Warsaw Pact dissolved

  • Period: to

    Clinton Presidency

  • Period: to

    Bush Jr. Presidency

  • 9/11

  • US invades Afghanistan

  • Iraq War ends

  • Second Iraq War begins

  • Period: to

    Obama Presidency

  • Osama Bin Laden killed