
Prelude to civil war timeline

By mjman
  • Slavery Reforms

    Slavery Reforms
    People begin to find ways to try and reform slavery, such as sending some Africans back home. slave rebellions also started as a result of this movement
  • Transendentalism and the Second great Awakening

    Transendentalism and the Second great Awakening
    Individualism begins to rise as both transcendentalists and Christians begin to believe in a more personal lifestyle instead of following the herd. Black people are allowed to be Christian leading blacks to question their unchangable slave status.
  • american anti slavery society is formed

  • grimke sisters start giving letures to men

    grimke sisters start giving letures to men
    this sparks an uproar that marks the beginning of the feminist movement in America.
  • liberty party is created

  • comprimise of 1850

    comprimise of 1850
    Stephen Douglas temporarily brokers a compromise that appeases both sides of the slavery conflict and preserves the union temporarily.Unfortunately, This was not to last as the fugitive slave act portion of the compromise soon came into hot debate.
  • The First Prohibition Law

    Maine enacts the first statewide ban on alcohol.
  • Uncle toms cabin is Published

    Uncle toms cabin is Published
    sparks even more debate against slavery by showing the immorality of ripping families apart through the slave trade.
  • windfeild scott accidently kills someone

    windfeild scott accidently kills someone
    Oops. As well as other things this probably led to him losing the 1852 election.
  • Bleeding kansas

    People Flood the state to attempt to sway the vote on slavery and end up fighting each other in multiple bloody conflicts.
  • Dred scott case ends

    Supreme Court ruled all black people could not be citizens, therefore invalidating the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise and popular sovereignty.
  • Civil war begins