
Prelude to Civil War Timeline

  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    It was a massive religious revival period that caused lots of new ideas. This started the thought of what the rights of African Americans and women were. It started a new view of beliefs on what was right.
    Start: 1810
    Ended: 1835
  • Gaining Mexican Cession

    Gaining Mexican Cession
    It is land that was gained from the Mexican-American War. That land gained cause a great debate about slavery and if that new land was going to be free or slaves states.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    It was the "civil war" before the Civil War. It was a bloody conflict between proslavery and antislavery groups to gain Kansas as a free or slave state. 150 people were killed. This really kicked the violence and fueled the fire for both sides to start the Civil War.
    Started: 1854
    Ended: 1861
  • Dred Scott Trial

    Dred Scott Trial
    Dred Scott was an enslaved African American who sued his owner for keeping him enslaved as he brought him on north, free soil. Court didn't give him freedom and Congress said that African Americans were not citizens. This whole trial cause a lot of debate on were slavery should have a line drawn and many believe that this was unconstitutional.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    A 4 way race with 3 different parties campaigning. Abraham Lincoln wins the election under an anti-slavery campaign. This caused a lot of the southern states to start to succeed from the Union causing the first steps to separation and war.