Kansas-Nebraska Act
In 1854 Senator Douglas introduced a piece of legislation that would to organize the Nebraska's territories. In order to get this to pass he allowed settlers in the territories to decide whether slavery was legal or not. This made the legislation pass and it created mass riots in Kansas.
1854) Kansas-Nebraska Act • -
The Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott was a slave that was bought by a surgeon who took them to Missouri but later died. After a few years Scott sued the widow of the surgeon for his freedom as he lived in a Free State. Federal court ruled not in the favor of Scott and he was not given rights or US citizenship.
John Browns raid on Harper's Ferry
22 men launched a raid on Harper's ferry and kidnapped towns people from the town. Later they were countered attacked by Marines from Robert E. Lee and were mostly all killed. The leader of the raid was John Brown and he was hanged for treason.
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry - Wikipedia -
The Election of 1860
The election of 1860 had two main candidates, being Abraham Lincoln and Steven Douglas. While Steven was a supporter of slavery Abraham was not and wanted slavery abolished. In the end Abraham Lincoln won the election, causing divide between the pro-slavery and no slavery peoples.
The Election of 1860 Role Play - Zinn Education Project -
The Formation of the Confederation
Six weeks after Abraham Lincoln won the election a convention was held on whether the Southern states should break off from America. Multiple States voted yes and broke off from America and formed the Confederate States of America. This was the breaking point that started the civil war as the Confederacy attacked a Fort that belonged to the North,
Comparing the Union and Confederacy