Prehistory to Ancient Egypt

  • 4000 BCE


  • 4000 BCE


  • 4000 BCE

    Terra Amata

    Paleolithic house structure
  • 3200 BCE


    Old passage tomb
  • 3150 BCE


    First Pharaoh in History
  • 3000 BCE


  • 2900 BCE


    Monumental construction bases on large blocks of rough stone
  • 2900 BCE


  • 2650 BCE

    Stepped Pyramid

  • 2600 BCE

    Hun's Pyramid

    Transition point between the stepped pyramids and the great pyramids
  • 2600 BCE

    Bent Pyramid

    The angle of the pyramid had to be changed from 54º to 43º so the pyramid wouldn't fall
  • 2600 BCE

    Red Pyramid

    Egypt's first true pyramid
  • 2500 BCE


    It means between rivers
  • 2500 BCE


    It was the first attempt of a pyramid
  • 2370 BCE

    Irrigation System

    Mastered agriculture made by the Sumerians
  • 2300 BCE

    Cuneiform Write

    Word first writing system
  • 2270 BCE

    Sargon I of Ahkad

    First of rule all Mesopotâmia
  • 2200 BCE

    Postal service and Roads

  • 1792 BCE

    Babylon City

    The most powerful city that defeated the ahkadians
  • 1792 BCE


    Babylon Emperor
  • 700 BCE

    Nineveh City

    Capital of the Assyrian Empire
  • 518 BCE

    Persepolis City

    Persian Capital
  • 575

    Ishtar Gater

    Was the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon
  • Hammurabi Code

    282 Laws
  • Limestone

    Used by the Egypcians to build the pyramids
  • Post and Lintel

    Mesopotamia's construction method