Prehistoric to Rome

  • Period: 150,000 BCE to 40,000 BCE


  • 28,000 BCE

    Venus Of Willendorf

    Venus Of Willendorf
  • 25,000 BCE

    Apollo 11 Stones

    Apollo 11 Stones
    The Apollo 11 stones don't have much of a remainder unfortunately due to weather and wear over time, but they contain the earliest history of rock painting ever seen in Africa.
  • 25,000 BCE

    Humans in the Americas

  • Period: 9000 BCE to 8000 BCE


  • 4200 BCE

    Ibex Beaker

    Ibex Beaker
    The Ibex Beaker had more of a deeper meaning with the inscriptions on the outside of the cup, and also being one of the first ceramic pieces made from clay, showing animals in ceramics and painted terra cotta.
  • 4000 BCE

    Anthropomorphic Stele

    Anthropomorphic Stele
    The Stele vaguely resembled the characteristics of a human, but consisted of a belt with a double-bladed knife, and knives in the sheath of the chest.
  • 3500 BCE

    White Temple and its Ziggurat

    White Temple and its Ziggurat
  • 3000 BCE

    Palette of King Narmer

    Palette of King Narmer
  • 2600 BCE

    Standard of Ur

    Standard of Ur
  • 2500 BCE

    Seated Scribe

    Seated Scribe
  • 2500 BCE


  • 2500 BCE

    Probable date of First Iron Objects

  • 2490 BCE

    Great Pyramids

    Great Pyramids
    The Great Pyramids are one of the most well known structures of the world, ranging in three different sizes (Menkaure - 213 ft high, Kafre - 450 ft high, Khufu - 480 ft high) and all used as burial places. They were all created from carefully cut limestone that is very solidly packed together and still is being researched on how such a big building was created in its time
  • 1792 BCE

    Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi's Code
    The Code of Hammurabi was another depiction of Hierarchy of Scale. It shows Hammurabi as a much bigger person than the one that's in front of him, and dresses him in superior headgear and clothing, showing importance.
  • 1500 BCE

    Ambum Stone

    Ambum Stone
    The Ambum Stone doesn't depict the form of a human, but likely resembles an anteater or extinct animal. The sculpture was crafted from Greywacke.
  • 1473 BCE

    Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut

    Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut's temple was somewhat differing from others, being partially carved into a rock cliff, and sitting against a rock, forming an amphitheater, giving off a natural look. Hatshepsut had ruled from 1479-1458 BCE, and was one of the first women to ever do it.
  • 1353 BCE

    Ahkenaton, Nefertiti, and Three Daughters

    Ahkenaton, Nefertiti, and Three Daughters
    This display of art was unique, but changes up traditional ways of art by showing the human figurines of Ahkenaton and Nefertiti with curvy lines rather than straight, depicting a more realistic figure for the display.
  • Period: 1353 BCE to 1335 BCE


  • 1200 BCE

    Tlatilco Female Figurine

    Tlatilco Female Figurine
  • 1200 BCE

    The Fall of Troy (?)

  • 776 BCE

    First Olympic Games

  • 753 BCE

    Rome founded

  • 713 BCE


  • 600 BCE

    Athenian Agora

    Athenian Agora
    The Athenian Agora was a major gathering place for its time period, leading up to the Acropolis itself. The decoration itself stood out, ranging across 30 acres of land.
  • 530 BCE

    Peplos Kore

    Peplos Kore
    Kore were painted sculptures that were vividly colored and shown off with jewelry, showing another display of human figures in art. The hair was braided, and the sculptures were not meant to look happy.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 400 BCE

    Classical Greece

  • Period: 449 BCE to 479 BCE

    Persian Wars

  • 447 BCE


    The Acropolis was one of the outstanding buildings of its time, built on top of previous ruins. The place had been significant, but split into different parts: The Acropolis Plan, the Temple of Athena Nike, the sculpture of Victory Adjusting her Sandal, the second sculpture of Helios, Horses, and Diyonisus, and the Plaque of the Ergastines. All signified a different change in craftsmanship or history of the time.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander The Great Dies

  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE

    Hellenistic Greece

  • 120 BCE


    Doryphoros unfortunately is not the original, it is a copy that was created from original bronze. It gives off a depiction of realism, showing more detail in body and muscle, differing from previous years.
  • 100 BCE

    Alexander Mosaic

    Alexander Mosaic
    The Alexander Mosaic marked a point of victory, depicting the moment when Alexander had the enemy at a retreat, moving towards a victory. The artwork is made of 1.5 Million tiles, and is based off foreshadowing.
  • 100 BCE

    Seated Boxer

    Seated Boxer
  • 70 BCE


    One thing specifically made the Colosseum stand out from anything like it before; Concrete. It enabled people to create things in round depictions, which was shown with the Colosseum, and was also a lot easier to use, rather than marble. The Colosseum was covered over with marble, and had a seating ranking system, ranging from rich to poor.
  • 44 BCE

    Assassination of Julius Cesar

  • 118


  • 476

    Western Rome Falls

  • Period: 509 to 27

    Republican Rome

  • 1000

    Augustus of Prima Porta

    Augustus of Prima Porta
  • Period: 1550 to 712

    New Kingdom Egypt

  • Period: to

    Ancient Egypt