200,000 BCE
"Tecchia" Cave of Equi Terme
lots of animal bones of Pleistocene and Mousterian stone tools made by Neanderthals. -
11,000 BCE
Stone carvings of Val Camonica
one of the largest collections of prehistoric petroglyphs in the world -
11,000 BCE
Pile dwelling of Ledro Lake
it is the largest prehistoric pile dwelling site in Italy -
11,000 BCE
Venus of Chiozza
Venus figurine discovered in Scandiano and carved from stone -
4000 BCE
Stele Statues of Lunigiana
The monuments represent men, which always have a dagger or an axe, or women, shown with their essential traits (breast, jewels) -
3400 BCE
Domus de Janas
tombs consisting of several chambers resembling houses in their layout located in Sardinia -
3350 BCE
Otzi the iceman
the frozen mummy was found in 1991 in the Italian Alps, near Bolzano -
1800 BCE
Nuragic civilization
the name comes from its most characteristic monuments, the Nuraghes, tower-fortresses which dot the Sardinian landscape