Jan 1, 1000
The first fish evolve 600 million years ago. The first arphropods also begin to appear in the ancient oceans. -
Jan 2, 1000
The first land based plants begin to appear and grow at a rapid rate. -
Jan 3, 1000
Life on land
The first forests begin to form as amphibians come up out of the water and the earliest reptiles evolve. -
Jan 4, 1000
Through the three great periods of the Triassic, the Jurassic and the Cretacious, dinosaurs are the dominate lifeform on the planet. -
Jan 5, 1000
Great Mammals
Once small mammals thrive in a world void of dinosaurs and evolve to become great mammals and great apes. -
Jan 6, 1000
Great apes develope into modern humans and establish society.