Prehistoric Art

  • 38,000 BCE

    Lion Human

    One of the cool things about the Lion Human is that it is the only figure carved instead of lines or patterns. The figure has the body of a human but the head of a lion. This style became very popular when the Egyptian empire was growing 30,000 years later. Most scientist believe that the Lion Human was connected through with Shamanism and the spiritual world. This art gives insight into prehistoric life.
  • Period: 38,000 BCE to 15,000 BCE


    This was a time in the world before writing was created. Their was no records of anything, so that left art to a mystery. We have no idea why our ancestors created art. Prehistoric art is the only clue into what life was like when humans were just beginning to grow.
  • 25,000 BCE

    Spotted Horses and Human Hands

    The spotted horses and human hands are found in Pech-Merle cave in France. It is said that the paintings found in this cave are the oldest art in France. In this piece of art, it shows horses with spots on them. Most archaeologists believe that in those days horses had spots on them resembling cheetahs. Also this art includes hand stencils which do not have too much significance that scientists can find.
  • 22,000 BCE

    Woman of Willendorf

    The Woman of Willendorf is a statue carved out of limestone that depicts a female. Most scientists believe it is a "goddess" that symbolizes fertility. Others believe that it was a good luck charm. Men would bring it on their hunting trip to remind them of their mate back home, and for good luck while hunting. This is an important piece of art because it explains that the role of woman was much higher than in today's time.
  • 15,000 BCE

    Hall of Bulls

    It is one of the most well known underground art gallery's in the world. With 19 meters long it holds some very unique art. For example it has the mysterious Unicorn, and the Fireze of the Black Horses. It is found in Lascauz Cave (France). The Hall of Bulls gives us great insight into what went through the minds of humans in their life. We can see animals were a major part of their life and they showed respect through art.