Preggers person

From Pregnancy to Birth

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    The Meeting of the 2 gametes to form a zygote. Estrogen is the key hormones in determining the fertility of the egg. The zygote duplicates on its way to the Uterus. The Morula wait in the uterus up to a week after conception, absorbing proteins and vitamins as a temporary source of nutrience.
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    From the Morula, a blastocyst forms and implants into the uterus lining. An increase of progesterone occurs as it stimulates the uterus to release nutrients to the developing embryo.
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    Implantation 2

    Implantation 2
    The corpus luteum controls these surges of hormones that prevent the menstrual cycle taking place.
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    Implantaion 3

    Implantaion 3
    12 days after ovulation, the morula is fully implanted in the uterus' lining.
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    Implantation 4

    Implantation 4
    The Trophoblasts secrete hCG to prevent the mesturation cycle to take place. hCG talks directly to the corpus luteum to keep pumping out estrogen and progesterone.
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    Embryonic Stage 1

    Embryonic Stage 1
    The placenta is formed and takes over hormone control for the now fetus. The fetus rapidly grows organ systems, bones and other bodily features.
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    Embryonic Stage 2

    Embryonic Stage 2
    The placenta is still producing estrogen and progesterone, but now along with relaxin; a hormone to help increase the mobility of the tissue and bones that the fetus is taking up in the abdominal cavity. Human placental lactogen is also released to 1) tell the fetus to grow 2) Get the breasts ready to lactate 3) Tell the body to hoard glucose for the fetus to use.
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    Labour 1

    Labour 1
    One of progesterones jobs is to keep the uterus muscles relaxed in order to prevent contractions from occurring prematurely and stimulating labour. However, during these final stages of pregnancy, progesterone sees a fall in concentration and then estrogen takes charge in preparing the mother for birth. The fetus releases cortisol for the placenta to produce even more estrogen. Oxytocin and prostaglandins see a large spike as they help stimulate contractions in the uterus.
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    Labour 2

    Labour 2
    As the Cervix reaches full dilation, the mother feels the urge to push. This is known as the expulsion stage. Around 30 mins after the baby has been delivered, strong contractions take place in order to dislodge the placenta. Then done boom, do it again.