Feb 4, 1400
Predict the future
the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words -
Printing press
Gutenberg in 1439 was the first European to use the printing press and movable type in Europe. Among his many contributions to printing are: the invention of a process for mass-producing movable type;[citation needed] the use of oil-based ink for printing books;[3] adjustable molds;[4] mechanical movable type; and the use of a wooden printing press similar to the agricultural screw presses of the period.[5] His truly epochal invention was the combination of these elements into a practical system -
germany press printer
In Renaissance Europe, the arrival of mechanical movable type printing introduced the era of mass communication which permanently altered the structure of society. The relatively unrestricted circulation of information—including revolutionary ideas—transcended borders, captured the masses in the Reformation and threatened the power of political and religious authorities; the sharp increase in literacy broke the monopoly of the literate elite on education and learning and bolstered the emerging m -
germany printing press
The use of movable type was a marked improvement on the handwritten manuscript, which was the existing method of book production in Europe, and upon woodblock printing, and revolutionized European book-making. Gutenberg's printing technology spread rapidly throughout Europe and later the world. -
Johannes Gutenberg introduces moveable type press in germany
February 3, 1468) was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. His introduction of mechanical movable type printing to Europe started the Printing Revolution and is widely regarded as the most important invention of the second millennium, the seminal event which ushered in the modern period of human history.[1] It played a key role in the development of the Renaissance, Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, and the scientific revolution and laid -
william caxton
was an English merchant, diplomat, writer, and printer. He is thought to be the first English person to work as a printer and the first to introduce a printing press into England, which he did in 1476. He was also the first English retailer of printed books; his London contemporaries in the trade were all Flemish, German, or French. In 2002, he was named among the 100 Greatest Britons in a BBC poll.