pre-revolution timeline

  • The proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation of 1763
    This stopped colonial settlement west of the Appalachian mountains. The colonist reacted by moving west of the mountains like they where told not too.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    It was a tax made so that colonist would stop smuggling sugar and molasses. Instead the colonist started smuggling more and more molasses into the colonies.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    The stamp act required colonist to purchase special stamped paper for almost everything you purchased. When this act was introduced to the colonies, Samuel Adams decided to form the sons of liberty. The sons of liberty harassed customs and stamp agents. Later in 1765 9 delegates met in New York. They met and issued a declaration of rights and grievances, which stated that they lacked the power to impose taxes in the colonies because the colonies weren't represented in parliament
  • The repeal of the stamp act

    The repeal of the stamp act
    parliament ended of repealing the stamp act but on the same day parliament issued another act called the declaratory act.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The Boston massacre started as a snowball fight between the colonist and British troops. The troops eventually fired and killed 5 colonist. The massacre started with a fight over jobs and poorly paid workers looking for work. Samuel Adams and other activists presented it to the colonists as a British attack on defenseless citizens
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    parliament passed the tea act which was created to help struggling English tea company. The Boston tea party later became known to be a a party were the Indians dumped 18,000 pounds of tea in the Boston harbor
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    The Parliament responded to the Boston tea party.
    1.They shut down the Boston harbor
    2. They came out with the quartering act which gave authorized British to live in homes with colonists
    3. Governors Thomas Gage was appointed as the governor
    of Massachusetts

    4. To keep peace they put colonist under military force
    The colonist responded by the first continental congress.
    In September of 1764 56 delegate met in Philadelphia and wrote the declaration of colonial rights