Pre-Rev Timeline

  • The Proclamation

    • after the French and Indian war, west of the Appelation mountains were not available for settlement for the Americans.
    • Prohibited Colonists from trading or forming agreements with the Indians.
    • the first measure to effect all 13 colonies. -angered the Americans as they had fought in a long war and seemingly did not gain much from in, in terms of settlement expansion.
  • General Thomas Gage

    -British General that lead the British troops against the American rebellion for 10 years
    -experienced with settling Native agreements, trade and communication.
    -was an adviser for the King, he sent important and unsympathetic reports, effecting how the King saw the colonies.
    -failed to contain rebellion and the outbreak of American Revolution.
    -General Gage often angered the colonists and especially the Patriots.
  • Townshend Acts

    -A series of laws and taxes created by the King to make Americans repay war debt.
    -Taxes on: glass, lead, paints, tea and paper.
    -The colonists decided to limit imports and exports to/from GB, as they saw this act as an abuse of power.
    -The King repealed the acts in 1770, excluding the tea tax.
    -Encouraged the Americans to protest and boycott. When they succeeded, it showed them that they can fight and win against the King.
  • Boston Massacre

    -Protest from Colonists to British soldiers
    -controversial on who started the fighting
    -British shot into crowd killing five and injuring more.
    -John Adams defended the British soldiers in court and after succeeding, the King ruled that all court cases would be dealt with in Great Britain.
    -Enraged the Americans greatly. Many were angered and because no one could say exactly what happened with certainty, the story of the Boston Massacre could be very bias.
  • Committee of Correspondence

    -Patriot's form of communication, in response to the King restricting their government and rights.
    -evaluated and inspected house records
    -Created a Blacklist to isolate loyalists socially and economically.
    -Almost each colony had a Committee of Correspondence.
    -These committees created a solid spy network and communication, aiding the Patriots against the Britain soldiers.
  • Boston Tea Party

    -Sons of Liberty led a protest in response to the Tea Act that gave a monopoly on tea to the struggling British East India Company.
    -Sons of Liberty boarded three ships and proceeded to throw the Tea overboard. There was about 340 chests of tea thrown into the sea.
    -This event pushed the king to create the Coercive acts, effecting and making more Americans angry.
  • Intolerable Acts

    -King's response to Boston Tea Party and boycotts
    Intolerable Acts included:
    -Quartering act: required colonists to house and feed British troops.
    -Boston Port Bill: Closed the port of Boston to colonists until costs from Tea Party were repaid.
    -Massachusetts Government Act: Gives British majority of control of colonie's government.
    -These acts created more material for rebellion from the colonies. Colonists reacted with boycotts and rage.
  • Lexington and Concord

    -growing tensions between GB and colonists
    -British soldiers marched in to seize American arms
    -three riders go to warn others.
    -Militiaman confronted the troops to slow them down.
    -British retreat after heavy fire.
    -Boosted moral for Patriots and gave hope that there was a chance at winning against GB.
  • Olive Beanch Petition

    -Colonists asking for a second chance
    -Asking to receive respect, more independence and restriction of laws
    -Apologetic, submissive and respectful of the King
    -The king concluded that he would not restrict the taxes and laws he had put in place.
  • Declaration of Independence

    -Colonist's response to the King ignoring the Olive Branch Petition.
    -Defient and agressive towards GB.
    -Defines the reasons behind rebellion such as raised taxes and the Intolerable acts.
    -Declares war on Great Britain