The invention of the automobile meant that people now had the ability to move to suburban areas to find better jobs. When people moved to suburban areas their household changed from a rural lifestyle to an urban lifestyle. With the men having better jobs the household objects also changed including; appliances, clothing, and food. -
Soap, just like bread, was something that took all day to make. Once soap was produced and sold in the stores it made household chores much easier. Women no longer had to worry about producing soap themselves in order to complete their household chores and instead they could buy the soap in the stores. -
Movie theatres
With the opening of the first movie theater, home style entertainment changed. Women were required to get household tasks completed during the day that they could go out at night to enjoy the movies. Fewer time was spent in the home focusing on home entertainment and more time was spent at the movie theaters. -
With the creation of lighter-weight curtains household chores became an easier task. Lighter-weight curtains replaced heavy draperies which made them easier to maneuver and clean which, in turn, made the chores of curtains easier to maintain. -
Period: to
With the expansion of education fewer children stayed in the homes during the day because they were in school. This affected the way that a women completed her household tasks because she no longer had children to care for during the day. -
With the invention of store bought bread, women no longer had to spend all day making bread and could instead focus their attention to other household tasks. -
With the invention of the fridge, women could make food in advance and refrigerate it instead of cooking all day just for that nights supper. This invention also helped the women to better manage their household. -
With the invention of the clothesline women changed the routine of their household management. Laundry was done in the beginning of the day so that the clothes had time to dry before the children, and the husband got home. -
Air conditioning
The invention of the air condition changed everything. Having an air conditioner installed in your home was a status symbol and changed the way the household was managed. Once the A.C. was installed fewer people left home during the day unless it was necessary. There was no longer a need for sleeping on the porch because of the air unit. -
With the invention came the easy of making dinner. Microwaves didn't become popular until the 1950's because people didn't know if they could trust the new invention. Women could now make food early, store it appropriately, and then microwave it later for dinner. -
The Settlement Cookbook
This cookbook advised women to live by a certain routine when it came to feeding her family and completing household chores. Most women, especially in suburban and urban areas wanted to live by this lifestyle therefore, their entire household management plan changed with the revelation of this cookbook. -
Indoor plumbing
People no longer were required to go outside to use the restroom, bathe, do laundry, and wash dishes. The invention of indoor plumbing brought water inside which made managing a household a lot easier. -
Most modern homes were now being built with electricity pre-wired within the home. This meant that homes now were equipped with more outlets which allowed housewives to complete multiple tasks at one time. -
Modern Kitchens
With indoor plumbing, modern kitchens had the ability to update to adapt to the changes. Appliances were also being updated to the newer models to allow kitchen management to become an easier task. -
The T.V. changed the way that they American household was ran. Families now congregated in the family living room to watch T.V. which changed the idea of family entertainment. -
BBQ Grill
Cooking was no longer kept solely inside of the home. BBQ grills allowed for a new version of meat to be discovered. BBQ grills also came with more at home parties which changed the home dynamic. -
T.V. Dinners
With the T.V. came the dinner. T.V. dinners are probably the biggest changed in how the household was ran. Women no longer needed to slave all day making a nice meal for their families. Now they simply needed to pop a dinner into the oven and there you have a home cooked meal in a tin tray. -
Shopping Centers
With shopping centers and grocery stores opening the women's role was quickly dissipating. Women were now entering the work field so the invention of shopping centers and grocery stores was necessary since women no longer spent all day at home. -
Conversational Areas
With ever-changing style of the 60's and 70's came the conversational area. Modern homes now were equipped with a conversational area. This changed family management because the family living room was now becoming popular again. -
With the personal computers now coming into homes less time was spent with families and instead was spent staring at a screen. This invention also allowed for some people to work at home. Since people were now working at home they no longer had the time to care for both their job and their home. -
With the internet came the ease of family living. Items could now be ordered online and the whole world was basically at the tip of your finger. -
With the laptop came mobility. The computer could now be brought into the family room so there was no longer a line between family gathering and the computer. -
With the invention of wifi came individual devices for each family member. This meant that the family no longer had to gather together to watch t.v. or use the internet. Family's no longer need to be in the same room in order to use their devices. -
Cell Phones
Even though cellphones were invented in the 70's they weren't as popular until the 2000's. In the 2000's everyone was equipped with a cellphone with made the design of a family dynamic different. Children have more freedom in this time period because parents can get a hold of them at all times. -
Modern Homes
New, modern homes are being built with the family in mind. With both parents working and children in school all day the family doesn't spend as much time together as it used to. Homes now are being built with low walls and open space so that the family can intermingle within any room in the home. -
DVD Players
With the DVD player came in home entertainment. People could now have the ease of watching a movie in their living room with their families. This changed the family dynamic because families were now spending more time together in the evenings. -
Even though email was invented in 1972 it started entering the american home in the 2000's. Jobs became more demanding and as a result parents were forced to bring their work into their home. This caused an issue in the family dynamic because parents sometimes spend more time with their work and email than they do their children. -
Between 1990 and the 2000's more people were attending college and receiving a better education. This changed the family dynamic because parents now made more money and could provide a better family dynamic for their children. This affected where people lived, the jobs they held, and the stuff they put in their homes. -
With Skype families could now be connected from many miles apart. Children who were at college could still have family interaction from states away. This changed the family dynamic because there was more interaction amongst family members. -
Online grocery shopping
Now you can submit your grocery list online and the store will prepare your order. You simply need to walk into the store and pick up your order. This has made household management a thousand times easier. Parents can now work a full time job, pick up their groceries, and cook a meal all within a day. There is no longer a need to be at the grocery store for hours on end and buy things that aren't on your list.