pre darwin theory

  • Buffon

    Connte de Buffon was born.
  • Mr. Bonnet

    Mr. Bonnet
    Charles Bonnet was born.
  • Linnaeus

    Linnaeus published his ideas that the animals and humans have a lot in common.
  • Carolus Linnaeus

    Carolus Linnaeus
    Hybridization but only under the controlling hand of god.
  • Comte de Buffon

    Comte de Buffon
    Comte de Buffon thought that the evolution was true but that more direct on the earth.
  • Natural Catastrophes

    Natural Catastrophes
    Charles Bonnet thought that natural catastrophes made the evolutionary changes in organisms.
  • First reconition of evolution

    First reconition of evolution
    Erasmus Darwin made the first thought of evolution in his book "Zoonomia."
  • Erasmus Darwin

    Erasmus Darwin
    Charles Darwins grandfather was born
  • Charles Darwins Saying about Lamarck

    Charles Darwins Saying about Lamarck
    Charles Darwin stated that Lamarck was the first person whos conclusions were much exicting.
  • Charles Darwin's grandfather

    Charles Darwin's grandfather
    Charles Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus Darwin argued that all organisms could had all one common ancestor
  • Immanuel Kant

    Immanuel Kant
    Immanuel Kant thought that all organisms ame from a single ancestral source
  • publishing

    Lamarck published his theory.
  • Alfred Russel wallace

    Alfred Russel wallace
    Alfred Russel Wallace was born this was invovled with darwin because they had the same thought about evolution at about the same time.
  • Charles Lyell

    Charles Lyell
    Charles Lyell published his book "Principals of Geology" he believed there was a explaination for all geologic phenomenas.
  • Thomas Malthus'

    Thomas Malthus'
    Thomas Malthus' was inspired by Darwin.
  • Malthus'

    Thomas Malthus' was born
  • Robert Chambers

    Robert Chambers
    Robert Chambers made his book public
  • Robert Chambers

    Robert Chambers
    Robert Chambers anonymously published "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation."
  • the birth

    the birth
    Charles Linnaeus was born.
  • Chambers

    Robert Chambers was born.