Pre-confederation leading to the BNA act By: Alex & Tyrese

  • Britian vs France

    Britian vs France
    The seven year war ended in 1763.France lost and had to give up there land to Brittian.After that Brittian had most control over North America.
  • Britian vs America

    Britian vs America
    During the war most of Britians colonies were in North America. The 13 colonies were angry at Britian the way they were treating them. In 1775 America began the war the Britian for there independence. The British lost and had to see the U.S as its own country.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a conflict between the United States and the British Empire. The U.S declared war for many reasons, one reason is trade restrictionsfrom britains war against france. There were many raids but the main raids were britains victory at The of Bladensburg in Aug 1814 which let the british to capture and burn Washington Dc. America repulses all 3 invasions in New York, Baltimore and New Orleans in Sept 1814 and Jan 1815
  • The Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent
    In 1814, both British and the U.S had both achieved their main war goals, they were both weary of the costs of the war that offered little stalemate. Both British and U.S had sent delgegations to a neutral site called Ghent, Belgium. There negotiations started in Aug 1814 and ended in Dec. When the final agreement was signed both sides planned new raids before it could take effect. Since they still had problems trading they reopend back trade with the U.S by ending the war
  • Elora Ontario

    Elora Ontario
    Elora was found by a Captain named William Gilkison, a vritish soldier who has just came back from India. Elora was originally called Irvine Settlement but was renamed as Elora when the post office established in 1839. Gilkison named Elora after his brother's ship.
  • British North America (BNA)

    British North America (BNA)
    British colonies were facing many diffrent problems. A solution for all these problems was for the colonies to form a country. They had political problems, economic problems, and military problems.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    In the U.S there was a civil war which fought over the secession of the conferderate states. 11 southern slave states approved their secession from the United States and together made Confederate States of America. The 25 other states promoted the federal government. Almost about 4 years of war, moestly with the southern states. The confederacy surrendered and slavoury became illegal everywhere in the nation. Problems that led to the war were particailly resolved in the Recontrusction Era.
  • The Charlottetown Conference

    The Charlottetown Conference
    For all the problems the Province Of Canada they began to plan for confederation. Leaders from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island were thinking about joining together in a Maritime union and were preparing a conference. The politicians from The Province of Canada were asking if they could go to the conference to make a larger union of erveryone (All the BNA colonies).The Maritime colonies agreed .The leaders all met at Charlettown. The conference led to confederation in 1867.
  • The Quebec Confrence

    The Quebec Confrence
    In this confrence the leaders had to work out how this new country would be run. The decisions that were made were called Quebec resalution. Even though Prince Edward Island (P.E.I) and Newfoundland both were part of the confrence, after the confrence they both decided not to join confederation.
  • The London Conference

    The London Conference
    The London Conference was the last conference and it was held in London England. Leader from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and The Province of Canada (Canada East, Canada West) had to take a rough draft of the Quebec resolutions and figure out the final agreement .The document they made was called The British North America Act. When Britsish Parliment approved it , conferderation could be made