Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was a law that divided slave and non-slave states. Prevented the expansion of slavery. Missouri became a slave state and Maine became a free state. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 allowed 5 provisions. First it allowed California to become a free state. Second it divided the rest of the Mexican cession into territories of New Mexico and Utah. Third it ended slave trade. Fourth it included a strict fugitive slave law and lastly it settled a boarder between Texas and New Mexico. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The fugitive slave act required all citizens to help catch slaves from escaping. People who let them escape would be fined one-thousand dollars or jailed. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Tom's cabin is a slavery novel helped change the way Northerners felt about slavery. They saw it as a huge problem. It is one of the most important books in history. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The kansas-Nebraska act repealed the Missouri Compromise so they created two new territories allowing for popular sovereignty. -
Dred Scott Case
The court ruled a case involving an enslaved man (Dred Scott). This divided the North and the South further Antislavery Helped Scott file a lawsuit. He wanted to be a free man because he was taken into free territory. In the end he became a free man. -
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
His raid was an effort to initiate a slave revolt in Southern States by taking over the U.S arsenal. -
South Carolina Secedes
South Carolina became the first state to secede from the federal union. -
Election of 1860
Democrats Split. Northern Democrats chose Stephen Douglas and Southern chose John Breckenridge for president. Lincoln carried the North and won the election.