Pre Civil War Timeline

  • harriet tubman escapes to philadelphia

    on September 17th 1849 Harriet Tubman escaped from a farm in Maryland when nobody was looking she sliped away becase she dident want to be a slave anymore so she ran and ran and ended up in philadelphia
  • the fugtive slave act

    in 1850 congress made a law to if slaves were caught after they escape form there owners they were taken back to there owners so they will stop trying to escape
  • uncle toms cabin published

    on april 1st 1852 a book called uncle toms cabin was published in brurswilk maine and the author was harriet beecher stowe it was made to stop slavery
  • kansas nebraska act

    in 1854 franklin pierce made a law to see if slavery was legil or not legil Kansas and Nebraska made it
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott was a slave and the dred scott decision was the supreme court deciding on if they should free him of not free him
  • abrahan lincoin debates stephen douglas

    on august 21st Abraham Lincoln debated Stephen douglas about how slavery was not good for the blacks in Ottawa Illinois
  • john brown attacks harpers ferry

    on 1859 john brown attacked harpers ferry in Virginia because he wanted to get weapons' to give to the slaves in hopes to give slaves freedom
  • south carolina secedes

  • the confederacy was formed

    in 1861 the confederacy was made in Montgomery Alabama and South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas made it together and it was made by South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas because there were depend on slaves
  • abraham lincoln is elected

    abraham Lincoln was elected on November 6th 1860 in Illinois as the 16th president and was the frist president elected in Illinois