The pre civil war south ppt 2 638

Pre Civil War Timeline

By lilyfry
  • Harriet Tubman escapes to Philadelphia

    Harriet Tubman escapes to Philadelphia
    Harriet Tubman was a woman who used the underground railroads to escape with her family from slavery after she escaped she went to other slaveholding states and went on 18 other missions to help approximately 70 other slaves escape.
  • The fugitive slave act

    The fugitive slave act
    This act required slaves to be returned to their owners. Many slaves tried to run away from there slavemasters but only a few were successful. Since all of the slaves were attempting to run away many put up warning or reward signs.
  • Uncle toms cabin

    Uncle toms cabin
    Harriet Beecher published an eye-opening novel on how bad slavery really is. After the world read this book people really started to understand that slavery is cruel and wrong. In this book, slaves are seen as people not just "negros".
  • The Kanas - Nerbraka act

    The Kanas - Nerbraka act
    This act tipped the balance between slave states and free states. Based on popular sovereignty the people would decide if Nebraska and Kanas should be slave states.
  • The Dred Scott case

    The Dred Scott case
    The Dred Scott case is about Dred Scott V Sanderson an enslaved black working for his freedom, and rights. He ended up winning his suit in a lower court but could not sue because he actually was not a citizen.
  • The Lincoln-Douglas debates

    The Lincoln-Douglas debates
    When Abraham Lincoln and Senator Stephan Douglas discuss the most controversial topic (slavery) Douglass ended up winning the senate race. Even though Lincoln did not win, this set him up for election for president.
  • Harper Ferry raid

    Harper Ferry raid
    John Brown attempts to start a slave rebellion by raiding the Harper's Ferry Arsenal.Many people in the north considered him a hero after h got hanged for treason.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected

    Abraham Lincoln is elected
    Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th Presidents on November 6th 1860 cause he wanted to end slavery so people voted for him.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    This was the first state to leave the United States.After a couple months after seceding many other states such as Georgia,Texas,Mississippi Florida,Alabama,and Lousiana also joined the union
  • The Confederacy is confirmed

    The Confederacy is confirmed
    The Confederate States of America is formed with all of the southern states. Jefferson Davis is president of this union.