Pre Civil War Timeline

  • Harriet Tubman escapes to Philadelphia

    Harriet Tubman escapes to Philadelphia
    Harriet Tubman escaped slavery in Maryland, and she went to Philadelphia using the underground railroads. She escorted over 300 slaves though the underground rail road.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive slave act was part of the compromise of 1850. The act required that slaves be returned to there owners even if they were in a free state. It also made the federal government responsible for finding and returning escaped slaves.
  • Uncle toms cabin published

    Uncle toms cabin published
    Uncle toms cabin is a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It tells a story about a slave named Uncle Tom and how he was whipped to death by his owner because he refused the say the whereabouts of certain runaway slaves. 300,000 copies were sold in the united states during the year it was published.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    The Kansas Nebraska act allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether or not to allow slavery within there borders.
  • Dred Scott decision

    Dred Scott decision
    A slave named Dred Scott his master settled in Missouri after moving from Wisconsin. After Dred Scott sued for his freedom because he was in a free state. His case went to court
    but, the majority of the court's opinion was that because he was black he was not a citizen and therefore, he has no right to sue.
    He lost but the decision brought national attention to slavery.
  • Abraham lincon debates Stephen Douglas

    Abraham lincon  debates Stephen Douglas
    The lincon-Douglas debate was a series of seven debates between democratic senator Stephen Douglas and Republican challenger Abraham Lincon.
  • John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry

    John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry
    Abolitionist John Brown led a small group to raid against a federal armory in harpers ferry. In an attempt to start a slave revolt and destroy the institution of slavery.
  • Abraham Lincoln elected

    Abraham Lincoln elected
    Abraham Lincoln was elected president on November 6, 1860. He was the first Republican to win the presidency. Abraham Lincoln was against slavery, and he made the promise he was going to get rid of slavery. That made the southern states scared they were going to lose their slaves so by March 1861 seven states had seceded
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    South Carolina became the first slave state in the south to declare that it had seceded from the united states.
  • The Confederacy is formed.

    The Confederacy is formed.
    In February 1861 representatives from the six seceded states met in Montgomery Alabama to establish a government. They name them the confederate states of America.