pre civil war

  • Harriet Tubman escapes to philadelphia

    Harriet Tubman escapes to philadelphia
    Harriet Tubman was a slave who escaped slavery. she did not just escape slavery but she created a thing called the underground railroad this was not an actual railroad but it was a series of houses that had people that would help to sneak slaves out and into a state that would give them freedom. Harrit Tubman was brave and was strong and had a bounty on her head by a white man but she still saved about 500 slaves.
  • The Fugitive slave act

    The Fugitive slave act
    The fugitive slave act is when slaves who escape can be caught and be brought back to the people that owed them the owners could also punish the slaves without getting in trouble. This law was first acted in 1793 this then lead to the fugitive slave act of 1860 this then made more slaves to run away and when they got caught it would cause even harsher punishment.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin published
    when Harriet Beecher Stowe publish this book it had 300,000 copies sold within three months. The book had been widely read that president lincoln heard about it and he wanted to meet her. when they meet he said, "so this is the little lady who made this war big." The book Uncle Tom's cabin book is about fugitive slave laws. This book had a huge impact on slavery and it brought the problem to the public.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    the Kansas-Nebraska act was for settlers to decide if slavery would be allowed in the new states. lincoln and Stefen Doglus presented a bill to the Missouri Compromise it was soon overturned. This then leads to a lot of violence and was called bleeding Kansas.
  • John Brown attacks Harper's Ferry

    John Brown attacks Harper's Ferry
    John Browen attacks Harper to start a slave rebellion. He wanted to help the slaves and thought it was terrible that people would have slaves. He thought that slavery was so bad he would do anything to end it even if that meant hurting people. He soon attacked Harper he did not succeed in the attack he was soon hung for treason.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a black slave who fought for the freedom of slaves. He fought for this cause for 10 years it finally reached a supreme court where it leads to anti-slavery law. This event was another stepping stone to the civil war.
  • Abraham Lincoln debates Stephen Douglas

    Abraham Lincoln debates Stephen Douglas
    the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stefen Douglas were mainly spent talking about the fate of having slavery or no slavery in the united states. In the begging Adrham wanted to have 70 debates but Douglas wants to have 7 and lincoln agreed to the terms. They would spend three hours talking the first speaker would get an hour to speak then the next member would get an hour and thirty minutes to speach and then the first member would get another 30 minutes and that would end the debate.
  • Abraham Lincoln was elected

    Abraham Lincoln was elected
    Abraham Lincoln was known for many things like leading the civil war and getting an order passed for the slaves. He got the Emancipation Proclamation order passed that then lead to the 13th amendment. Then he leads the civil war and he finally wins when General Robert E. Lee gave himself up. After the war and all the death, he just wanted the union to heal. unfortunately, he was assassinated to see it heal.
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    when south Carolina secedes it joins other states that also do not agree with the union's laws. These states do not agree with the union's law and Abraham lincoln's presidency. A law they do not agree with is anti-slavery these other states want slavery.
  • The Confederacy is formed

    The Confederacy is formed
    The confederacy was formed because some states of the united states did not agree with some laws that the united states had. when the confederacy was formed this was the cause of the civil war. which caused a lot of death of American citizens.