
Pre-Civil War

  • Northwest Ordinance - July 13, 1787

    Northwest Ordinance - July 13, 1787
    The confederation Congress charted a government for the Northwest Territory on July 13, 1787. They also guaranteed a bill of rights for the territories after they became new states in the Union through the process they had set up. Slavery had to be banned as one of the requirements. The legislation was very political and was the introduction to the states fighting for slavery and free state to keep it balanced.
  • Missouri Compromise - March 3, 1820

    Missouri Compromise - March 3, 1820
    The MC was an effort by congress to balance the free states and slave states. It was passed in 1820 and made Missouri a free sate while making Maine a slave state. It also prohibited slavery in the Louisiana territory above the 36* 30' latitude. The MC was a political law passed in order to preserve peace between the north and south states.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion - August 21-22, 1831

    Nat Turner Rebellion - August 21-22, 1831
    On August 21, Nat Turner along with other slaves killed their masters, the Turners. After that, they went on a killing spree that ended up with about 55 dead including women and children. The rebellion continued into the next day but eventually Nat turner was caught and later killed. The event was social for Turner and his opposition to slavery as well as scaring southerners to hate slaves even more.
  • Gag Rule - 1836, 1840, 1844, Dec. 1844 (repealed)

    Gag Rule - 1836, 1840, 1844, Dec. 1844 (repealed)
    The US Gov made laws to table any laws, petitions, about slavery without any discussion. A political move to avoid talking about the issue of slavery in hopes that its fervent problems and debates would subside with it.
  • Amistad Case - 1841

    Amistad Case - 1841
    In 1839, 53 illegally purchased slaves were put on a Spanish ship and were headed to America. The slaves on the ship revolted and killed every member on the crew and when they arrived to the US they were thrown in prison for their actions. John Quincy Adams defended them in court saying that their actions were justified because they were illegally purchased. The Supreme Court ruled in his favor and they were free. Political event that protected slaves from areas that are illegal to be purchased.
  • Annexation of Texas - December 29, 1845

    Annexation of Texas - December 29, 1845
    After Texas had succeeded from Mexico, the Lone Star Republic struggled with constant threats and a low treasury. To fix the problem the Republic volunteered to become the 28th state in the Union. Eventually, the US did accept the massive expansion of Texas into the Union and the state entered as a slave state to continue balance the states and the issue of slavery. The event was more economical because the Union increased in size and thus there was more opportunity to have a strong economy.
  • Mexican War - April 25, 1846 - February 2, 1848

    Mexican War - April 25, 1846 - February 2, 1848
    After the Annexation of Texas, Mexico went to war with the US about the border of Mexico and whether it ended at the Nueces River or the Rio Grande. The war ended up with the US gaining more than 500,000 square miles of territory. Political issue over the borders but it did in part have to do with economics and land.
  • Wilmot Proviso - August 8, 1846

    Wilmot Proviso - August 8, 1846
    The proposal to abolish slavery in the territory that was acquired from the Mexican War. David Wilmot is the democrat who proposed the Proviso. There were huge arguments as to whether his proposal should happen because of the ongoing battle with slavery. The event was very political in nature because it was dealing with slavery.
  • California Gold Rush - January 24, 1848-1855

    California Gold Rush - January 24, 1848-1855
    Gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California and that news went public. Around 300,000 flocked to California in search of gold. Make-shift towns were made that had their own rules, companies were formed, and some companies moved in. After seven years the gold was dried up and the land was destroyed. The event was economic because the whole movement was just common people in search of riches. Population was big enough to apply for statehood which started debate.
  • Compromise of 1850 - January 29, 1840

    Compromise of 1850 - January 29, 1840
    After the Mexican War, the U.S gained territory from Mexico and it was still a debate on what to do with the territory regarding slavery. Congress decided that Utah and New Mexico would vote on the issue of slavery so they could have popular sovereignty. CA would be free state. Sale of slaves in D.C was banned, and the Fugitive Slave Act passed. The event was political because it was an attempt to diffuse escalations between slave states vs. free sate.
  • Fugitive Slave Act - September 18, 1850

    Fugitive Slave Act - September 18, 1850
    Passed alongside the Compromise of 1850 to appease the south. Allowed Southerners to capture runaway slaves. However, they only needed to give an oral report in the court and their were special judges that could have the final say on where the accused would go. This political move greatly angered the north, many of whom ignored the law. Greatly increased tensions.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin - March 20, 1852

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin - March 20, 1852
    A heavily influential book published by Harriet Beecher Stowe that was about slavery. The book was anti-slavery and greatly changed many peoples' perspective on slavery and the book has been described as "the groundwork for the civil-war". This book was a heavy influence so society so it was a social event. Most people affected by this was the north who after reading the book hated slavery even more and just fueled the fire against the south.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act - May 30, 1854

    Kansas Nebraska Act - May 30, 1854
    Nebraska was in between a slave and free sate so there was controversy over what was to be done. Stephen A. Douglas proposed a bill that would allow the whites to kick natives out but would open a new free state. Missouri Compromise was repealed. Nebraska was divided into Kansas and Nebraska and Nebraska became a free state while Kansas was a slave state. Political event to help quell tensions and keep the balance.
  • Ostend Manifesto - October 18, 1854

    Ostend Manifesto - October 18, 1854
    A document written in 1854 about the reasons the US should buy Cuba. The US was attempting to expand its territory and Spain was willing to sell all that land for $120 million. There was an uproar however, because Cuba had already previously abolished slavery but the pro-slave people wanted to reestablish slavery in the territory. The event was economic because it was to expand territory and some wanted to expand slave territory to make more money.
  • Dred Scott Decision - March 6, 1857

    Dred Scott Decision - March 6, 1857
    Dred Scott was a slave who was taken to free states by his master before the master died. When the master died Scott sued his widow for freedom on the grounds that he was in free soil. The Supreme Court ruled that he was property so he could not sue at all. Essentially said African Americans were not human. The decision was political and made the south happy but greatly angered the north.
  • John Brown and Raid on Harper's Ferry - October 16, 1859 - October 18, 1859

    John Brown and Raid on Harper's Ferry - October 16, 1859 - October 18, 1859
    An attempted slave revolt led by John Brown. He alongside armed slaves overtook Harper's ferry and barricaded themselves until local men and state militia overthrew the rebellion. Brown tried for murder and killed. Event was very social because of opposition to slavery from the southerners who saw the revolt as a means that there was no safety in the union anymore. Radicalized northern advocates of reconciliation but to no avail.
  • Crittenden Compromise - December 18, 1860

    Crittenden Compromise - December 18, 1860
    Political bill proposed by John Crittenden in order to try to preserve the Union. 6 constitutional amendments: Reenact Missouri Compromise, compensate fugitive slave owners, forbid fed interference with interstate slave trade, pop. sovereignty in states, and protect slavery in District of Columbia (there's another). However, there was heavy opposition from Abraham Lincoln and the Rep. free soil party. There was a call for a national referendum but it never happened. Senate defeated bill.