American Colonation Society
Robert Finley was the founder, he was trying to satisfy the two groups in america. They tried to push the President and congress to supporurt them. In the end they got $10,000 from them. -
Missouri Compromise
It delt with slavery. This law prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of the 36° 30´ latitude line. -
American Anti-slavery Society
Founded by William Lloyd Garrison in 1833. It grew in 1840 there was a lot of menembers from 150,000 to 200,000. They did many things to advertise there cause. -
Liberty Party
Was the first anti-slavery party. They tried to influnce members from other parties to join theres. The lost every time they tried to run for president or vice president. -
Mexican-American War Starts
It started with the fight over Taxes. after america won Mexico had enough. -
Wilmot Proviso
It was attached to a bill that bought territory from Mexico. It made slavery elegale in those states. -
California Gold Rush
The rush started when Sam Brannan of San Fransisco found gold in the river anbd shouted it out to everyone. Tons of people swarmed the river afterwards desprite to get there hands on some gold. -
Free Soil Party
They opposed slavery in the western U.S. There main slogan was "free soil, free speech, free labour, and free men". -
Comprimise of 1850
It was a series of bills dealing with slavery. Its stop slave trade wih thw Distric of Columia. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The book was about anti-slavery. Some say"helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War". -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
It openned the land of Nebraska and Kansas. The oppentes of it didn't like it because to much slaves. -
Summer-Brooks Affair
It was when Congressman Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner severely in with a cane until it broke. Brooks attacked him because Summers was talking bad to his uncle. -
Dred Scott Descion
Scott help anti-slavery lawrarys to help him become free. He lost in the end. -
Lincoln-Douglas Dabates
The mainly dabated over slavery. They were seven dabates in Illinois. -
Election of 1860
One of the isuses for the election was that america was probably going to war with its self. Another topic on voters mind was slavery. Abraham Lincoln won the election becoming the 16th president.