Pre Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri would enter the union as a slave state. main would enter as a free state. also a line was drawn at 36*30 parrel where below this line it would be slave state alowed and above it would be a free states that are alowed
  • wilmont proviso

    wilmont proviso
    Wilmot Proviso, one of the major events leading to the American Civil War, would have banned slavery in any territory to be acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War or in the future
  • calaforina state hood

    calaforina state hood
    calafornia enter as a free statE
  • Fugtive slave law

    Fugtive slave law
    This forced the north to return all fugtive slaves to the south
  • Uncle toms cabin published

    Uncle toms cabin published
    this was a book that informed them about slaverly and tryed them to become ablonitinouse
  • onsted manafesto

    onsted manafesto
    the us was trying to buy cuba from spain
  • kansa nebraska act

    kansa nebraska act
    an act that repaled the efect of the misourie compromize
  • charles sumner beaten

    charles sumner beaten
    he was beaten for talking about anti slaver in congress he was beaten by prestons brooks
  • Raid on Lawrence,kansas

    Raid on Lawrence,kansas
    thr raid was from peopole who wanted slavery and they invaded lawence kansas the home of anti slaverly govermet they burned buildings and looted several homes
  • john brown invades patawomie kanasas

    john brown invades patawomie kanasas
    he went and tryed to start a slave revolt by invading the united states artnsel
  • Lincon douglas debates

    Lincon douglas debates
    these debates where aBOUT the 1858 Illinois senatorial campaign. They focused on slavery and its extension into the western teratories
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott decision
    slavery was alowed in all teratories because it was unconstunal to take there property away
  • harpers ferry raid

    harpers ferry raid
    The Harpers Ferry raid from 16 to 18 October 1859 was led by the abolitionist John Brown. Brown captured the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia he masacure 2 slave owners infront of ther familys
  • abraham lincon elected presadnt of the united states

    lincon became the 16 presadnt of the united states he beat stephen douglas
  • south carolinal sucedes

    south carolinal sucedes
    south caralina suced fro the us because of talk about the ending of slaverly
  • fort summers atacked

    fort summers atacked
    this marked the begening of the cilvil war