Missouri Compromise
In an effort to preserve the balance between slave states and free states, congress admited Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. This law prohibited slavery in Louisiana Territory or North of 36', 30'. it also raised sectional tensions because of the split up parts of the USA -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was a bill that prevented Southeners to take the terriotory in Mexico to extend slavery. So it outlawed slavery in any territory that the U.S. might acquire from the War with Mexico. This caused the salveholders to get angrey at congress, by saying that the congress had no right to take away their "property". This caused a large dispute beween the North and South. -
Compromise of 1850
It was a sieries fo congressional laws intended to settle the major disagreements. To please the North California would be admitted as a free state. And in Washington slave trade would be ABOLISHED. To please the South congress would not pass laws regarding slavery in Mexico. Congress would practise a stronger law to help slave owners capture slaves. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska Act was what came to action after the Missiouri Comprimise was repieled. This act would split the Nebraska territory into two seperate territories: Nebaska and Kansas. This made the South very happy that the Missouri Comprimise was repieled. It angered the North that the South was getting more slave territories. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
it was a book published by Harrit Beecher Stowe about slavery being immotall and wrong it was published in 1852.
the book was widly popular in the north and the south thought it falsey critized slavery. -
Sack of Lawrence
the sack of Lawrence happened when a proslacery mob attacked the town Lawrence. the attackers destoryed offices and the house of the government the antislavety governmet.
proslavery and anitislavety people became farther and farther aprat from eachother. -
Pottawatomie Massacre
The Potawatomie Massacre was done by the man in the picture, John Brown. He was an extreme abolishonist and he went to his proslavery neighbors house and killed them. There would be a total of 5 deathes. This made the Southeners very mad that someone would do that, -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
It was a court case against a slave that thought he should be free since his "owner" died and he had previously lived in free territories. They ruled against Scott and said that he was property and he was not a U.S. citizen. He also lived in Missiouri so he was bound by there slave code. It increased sectional tensions because they ruled that Scott was property. -
Election of 1860
the election of 1860 was a preident elction between Lincoln. Breckinridge, Douglas, and Bell it raised sectional tensions because each section wanted someone else to win. if lincoln won the south would secedeed from the union, the north thought that was wrong and did not want them to leave. -
South Carolina Seceding from the Union
The South thought that since they joind the undion volintarily then they should be able to leave when ever they the sucsession process. This caused more major sectional tension between the North and the South. As they spilt the need for war grew stronger in both sides.