Missouri Compromise
A series of laws enacted in 1820 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states. It entered the union as Missouri a slave state and maine a free state in order to keep the slave-free states balanced, 36/30 The more terriorty grew to more tensions between the issue of slavery expanison, Thomas Jefferson worried that secionalism would destroy the country. -
Wilmot Proviso
Represenative David Wilmot, Pennisylvania propused a bill know as the Wilmot Proviso to outlaw slavery in any territory in the United States might acquire from the war with Mexico. It removed the right of slave holders to take there slaves which they reguarded as property, anywhere in the United States or its territories, -
Compromise of 1850
A series of congressional laws intended to settle the major disagreements between free states and slave states.
North: California would be admitted as a free state and the slave trade would banned in Washington, D.C.
South: Congress wouldnt pass laws that regaurded slavery for the rrest of the territories won from Mexic, Congress would pass stronger laws to help recapure slaves. Caused the Fugitive slave act which you could recapute runaways slave, outraged Northerns. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Was published by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which dramatically protrayed the moral issues of slavery. abolitionists' message to the public conscience, no woman before or since has so moved America to take action against an injustice. South believed the book critized the South and slavery, made nothern stand up against southerns over slavery, heighten the conflict between the north and south, brought bloodshed to the North. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The effect of this proposal was to repeal the Missouri Compromise, a prospect that enraged antislavery forces and most Northerners. Not content, the Southern leaders insisted on a formal amendment which specifically repealed the slavery provisions of the compromise. It had banned the Missouri Compromise and the South said, Slaves were property was based on popular soverity, caused bunch of wars in Kansas -
Sack of Lawrence
proslaves attacked lawrence Armed force of as many as 800 men descended upon the newly formed town of Lawrence in the Territory of Kansas and proceeded to systematically destroy it. With this act, the town of Lawrence became the first casualty in America's Civil War that would officially be declared five years later -
Pottawatomie Massacre
A small band of abolitionists led by John Brown murdered five pro-slavery men just north of here along Pottawatomie Creek. Massacre in "Bleeding Kansas" was one of the most famous events leading up to the American Civil War -
Dred Scott v. Sandford
He was a slave who had been taken to Missouri which was considered a free state so he went to court and argued he was a free man, but he could not take his case to court because he was not a U.S citizen, slaves are property Many Nothernorns were outraged and looked to the Republican party to hault the growing power of slave holders -
Election of 1860
Election for presidency of the U.S. turned into two different races for presidency, Candidates; Lincoln Breckingride, Bell, Douglas. between the Northern and Southern votes, The outcome of the election made it clear that the nation was tired of the compromise. Lincoln won, because there were more people in the North, the South though he was a threat to the southern way of life, slavery. -
South Carolina Seceding from the Union
Southern states were worried the Lincoln would abolish slavery in the south, they aruged the since they voluntarily joined the union they could leave it. South Carolina was the first to secede from the union, many other states followed. Having formed its government the Conferdate states made plans to defend their seperation from the union, some believed that the war between the states cannot be avoided.