Pre-Canadian Confederation Timeline

By JalalH
  • 1608: European Settlements

    1608: European Settlements
    In 1608, Champlain from France came to Quebec, he built a fortress to ensure French dominance over the region. The fortress ended up becoming one of the oldest cities in Canada. That city is Quebec city. The first settlement in Canada by European Settlers.
  • Period: to

    Pre-Canadian Confederation Timeline

  • 1713: Treaty of Utrecht.

    In 1701, France went to war with Spain. The English did not want the balance of power tipping in French favour so they decided to help out Spain. After 13 years, the French lost the war. They had to give up land in North America, the French ended up losing Acadia (Nova Scotia) and Newfoundland to the English. This was the first war that changed North America.
  • 1756: Seven Years War

    1756: Seven Years War
    In 1756, the Seven Years war erupted. The sides were, the UK, Prussia, and Hannover, against, France, Russia, Sweden, Austria, and Saxony. The UK and its allies eventually won the war and France lost all its colonies in North America. This war stunned the Indigenous population as their French allies were defeated, The Indigenous people liked the French more than the British because the French were more sympathetic. The Indigenous population would continue raids over British Colonies.
  • 1763: Treaty of 1763

    1763: Treaty of 1763
    In 1763, the British signed a treaty with the Indigenous people. This treaty stated that no British-American colonizer would be allowed to settle east of the Appalachian Mountains. The British signed this treaty because they were tired of the Indigenous as they kept raiding British settlements. This treaty angered the Americans as they wanted to continue westward expansion. This would eventually lead to the American Revolutionary war.
  • 1783: Loyalist Migration

    1783: Loyalist Migration
    From 1775 to 1783 the American Revolution raged on. This put the Thirteen Colonies (Patriots) against the UK. They rebelled because the British Imposed harsh taxes on them. The British taxed the colonies cause the Seven Years war had left the country broke. However, some people living in the Thirteen Colonies called loyalists wanted to stay loyal to the British, so they decided to migrate to the Canadian Colonies. Over these nine years, seven thousand loyalists migrated to British North America.
  • 1812: War of 1812

    1812: War of 1812
    In 1812, the Americans invaded the Canadian colonies. The British quickly came to help their colonies out, a bunch of amazing battles took place in this war. Such as the Battle of Queenston Heights, raids of New york, and the burning of the White House by British and Canadian infantry. This war made the Americans never even think about invading Canada ever again. This is important to Canadian history because it decided the fate of all of North America.
  • 1867: Dominion Day

    1867: Dominion Day
    On July 1st, 1867, The Canadian Colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Provinces of Canada. united into the Dominion Of Canada. This would mark a step further to Canadian Independence. In 1982, over 374 years of rule by the Europeans. Canada finally became its own country that we know and love today.