Battle of Hampton road
The Battle of Hampton road was a two day naval battle near Hampton road. The Union lost 369 men while the confederacy lost 24. This was the first time two ironclads entered combat with each other. The battle was inconclusive as neither ship had the necessary fire power to pierce the others hull. This fight was the bloodiest us naval battle until the bombing of Pearl Harbor -
Mad Major’s big moment
Nazi armored division advances on the 4th armored divisions support units. Assistance is slow and it is likely these troops will be captured. The bazooka Charlie is unable to spot the enemy until noon do to fog. Upon spotting the enemy he is able to immobilize six apc’s and two tanks. In this mission he returned to base at least twice to re-arm. -
Fall of the CHAZ
CHAZ (capital hill autonomis zone) was originally a place of protest where later said protesters tried to turn the place into an independent country. On July the first police armed with batons and rifles moved in to clear the area. The zone was cleared for the danger it presented for the surrounding residents and rampant crime.