
PowerShell The Timeline

  • Monad Manifesto

    Monad Manifesto
  • Monad public beta

  • Monad Beta 2

    Beta 2 on September 11, 2005
  • Book Published - Introducing the MSH Command Shell and Language

  • Monad Beta 3

  • Monad renamed Windows PowerShell

  • Release Candidate 2 of PowerShell version 1

  • Release to the web (RTW)

  • PowerShell In Action Published

  • Windows PowerShell Cookbook published

  • Pash - PowerShell open source implementation

  • Last CTP release of Windows PowerShell v2.0

  • PowerShell v2.0 released to manufacturing

  • CTP 2 of Windows Management Framework 3.0 released

  • Pash development starts again. PowerShell for Mono

  • PowerShell V3.0 released