
  • 25th Amendment is Introduced

    25th Amendment is Introduced
    Senator Birch Bayh of Indiana and Representative Emanuel Celler of New York introduce the 25th Amendment to the Senate and House of Representatives. This amendment explains the way power is transferred if the President or Vice President is to leave their position.
  • 25th Amendment is Certified

    25th Amendment is Certified
    After going through Congress and the states, Lyndon B. Johnson certified the 25th Amendment after 2 years since it had been introduced.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    People in Nixon's administration broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters and bugged the phones. The people were found and arrested and would later be connected back to Nixon's re-election committee.
  • Spiro Agnew Resigns

    Spiro Agnew Resigns
    Spiro Agnew was Nixon's vice president until October 10, 1973 when he resigned. He resigned from office because of accusations against him.
  • Nixon Announces New Vice President Candidate

    Nixon Announces New Vice President Candidate
    After Agnew's resignation, Nixon chose Congressman Gerald Ford of Michigan for Congress to approve. Congress voted 97% Yea and 3% Nay for Ford's Vice Presidency.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    Nixon resigns because of the Watergate Scandal from 1972 and sent his resignation letter to Secretary Henry A. Kissinger.
  • Ford is Sworn in as President

    Ford is Sworn in as President
    Immediately after Nixon's resignation, Vice President Gerald Ford was sworn in as President on August 9, 1974.
  • Ford pardons Nixon

    Ford pardons Nixon
    After being President for 2 months, Ford pardons Nixon for Watergate and says he wants to put all of the scandal behind the country and move on.