Stock Market Crash
On October 29, 1929, the stock markets crash. Businesses do bankrupt and many families lose all of their money in the stock markets. This begins the great depression and causes unemployment and poverty. -
Homeless Crisis Abates
In 1941 the homeless crisis abates or becomes less intense with the USA's entry to World War 2. Many formally homeless men enlist in the armed forces. However with the end of the war in 1945 the homeless problem reemerges. -
A Seat at the Table
The nutrition act of 1966 greatly expanded the federal school lunch program and created the school breakfast program for low income students. -
Homeless Problem Increases
Homeless rates increased significantly. The government funds a $2 billion homeless assistance system made up of emergency shelters, soup kitchens, transitional housing, and other programs that meet homeless people's immediate needs. -
American Population
33.6 million americans are classified as poor. This is almost 14% of the population. -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina strikes the Gulf coast near New Orleans and causes widespread damage. The failure to evacuate New Orleans before the levees break, exposes the problem of poverty in the United States. -
Try to End Child Poverty
Senator Edward Kennedy introduces the End of Child Poverty Act. The act would halve child poverty within a decade and work to put an end as soon as possible. -
Economic Recession
An economic recession occurs, causing Americans to lose 7.3 million jobs. -
Minimum Wage Increase
Congress approves the first minimum wage increases in almost a decade. By summer of 2009 all minimum wage jobs will pay no less than $7.25 per hour. -
Minimum Wage Increase
Minimum wage increases from $5.85 to $6.55 an hour. -
Rising Child Poverty Rates
A national trend reveals steadily rising child poverty rates in the U.S while poverty among senior citizens is dropping. -
Food Stamp
Food Stamp benefits are cut for some 47 million poor americans. -
Poverty Rates for Children Under 18 Drops
The U.S Census Bureau reports that the poverty rate for children under 18, dropped sharply in 2013 for the first time since 2006. -
Poverty of Students in Public Schools
The majority of students in U.S public schools are now living in poverty. -
Poverty Rate
The poverty rate for 4 people in a house hold per year is $28,290.