The War of 1812 Native Land Decisions
Almost all Americans thought that the Native Americans were the biggest problem at the time. When the War of 1812 was over the government took the problem seriously. Their first idea was to get the Natives to switch to the White's culture. Their other idea was to have them leave Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Illinois. -
Indiana Becomes a State
After Indiana became a state there were two big tribes that remained, the Miami and the Potawatomi. The Indiana people let the government decide what to do with the Indian policy since it was a government issue. The government then created started to strategize how to get the Natives off of the land. Their first idea was to make them go into debt, but this wouldn't work because Natives primarily traded. The government then chose to force them to move west so the Whites could settle. -
Congress Passes Indian Removal Act
Congress finally passed the Indian Removal Act which mean't that Andrew Jackson could remove the Natives from the land. Jackson wasted no time, he removed the Natives as soon as he could and some of the Hoosiers were happy about this decision. -
Potawatomi Signed Treaties
The Potawatomi signed nine treaties which would give their land to the Government. The government paid them one dollar for each acre and gave them two years to move west of the Mississippi. -
Potawatomi had to Leave
This was the final deadline the Potawatomi people had to leave the land, but many of the Natives still hadn't left. White squatters were starting to show up to the land which caused tons of violence. The government called a man of the name John Tipton to force the Natives off of the land. After the Natives left the men set fire to the village so the Native's couldn't return. -
Chief Menomonee
Chief Menomonee was the leader of the Indiana Potawatomi during the time of the Trail of Death. -
Natives Reach Final Destination
The Natives finally touched Kansas soil after a two year journey across the Midwest and across the Mississippi River. They had travelled around 660. -
Chief Menominee Dies
Chief Menominee died three years after the Trail of Death. Indiana then built a statue of Chief Menominee in 1909 in his memory and in memory of the Trail of Death.