Period: to
Korean War
American troops help defend South Korea -
Bay of Pigs
United States sponsored invasion of Cuba fails -
Cuban Missile Crisis
United States forces Soviet Union to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba. The build up of troops in Vietnam War began to develop -
President Richard Nixon visits China and Soviet Union. Nixon and Brezhnev sign first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) -
Peace Accords
Paris Peace Accords are signed, ending United States involvement in Vietnam War -
OPEC Embargo
OPEC places an embargo on oil to United States because of the nation's support for Israel in October War -
Panama Control Zone
United States signs treaty agreeing to return Canal Zone and control of canal to Panama by 1999 -
Camp David Accords
Signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem, and President Jimmy Carter. Peace talks sponsored between Egypt and Israel about the Camp David Accords. Twelve secret meetings between the few were held after -
Period: to
U.S. Acts Out
U.S. establishes full diplomatic relations with China. In response to Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, U.S. places an embargo on sales of American grain to Soviet Union, boycotts Moscow Olympic Games, and delays completion of SALT II -
Period: to
Invasion of Grenada
President Ronald Reagan orders invasion of Grenada after a Marxist revolution in that Caribbean nation -
Iranian Weapons Deal
American public learns that U.S. secretly sold weapons to Iran in hopes of gaining release of American hostages in Lebanon -
Period: to
U.S. Invades and Captures
Code name 'Operation Just Cause', the U.S. army, air force, navy, and marines invade the nation of Panama under the administration of George W. Bush, and captures Manuel Noriega, Panama's military dictator. 516 Panamanians killed, while the U.S. suffered 1,000 casualties -
Co-Held Summit
Bush and Gorbachev hold summit in Washington, D.C. -
Period: to
Persian Gulf War
The U.S.-led multinational force ends Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. -
Attack on the US
The War on Terror a.k.a. Global War on Terrorism, is a metaphor of war referring to the international military campaign that began after the 9/11 attacks on the U.S.