Dr. Jonas Salk
Dr. Salk was born on Oct 28, 1914, in NYC.He was the developer of the polio vaccine in the 1950s. He also developed an influenza vaccine in 1942 before polio vaccine. -
News the fist new were broadcast on radio, the first television Broadcast was in 1940 in Chanel WNBT -
G.I Bill
G.I.B was passed in 1944 the point of this law is to provide benefits for World War II veterans like education and many more. President FDR signed the G.I Bill in June 1944. -
Little Boy
The little boy is a nuclear bomb was the first nuclear weapon used in war by the U.S, the bomb was dropped on a Japanese city in Hiroshima. It was made out of uranium and had a weight of 9,700 pounds and had force of 15000 tons of TNT -
Fat Man
teh element that build the Fat Man was plutonium it was the second bomb made out of prultoniam, it was dropped in Nagasaki a Japanese city, and it was the second nuclear weapond, the water of the bomb was 10,800 pounds the explosive force was 21k tons of TNT -
Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was an event that divided Europe into western and eastern Europe. The point of the Iron Curtain was to separate communism and capitalism, The USS ran the east side, and the U.S led the west side. -
Truman Doctrine
policuy that provides economic nd military help to countryes led by communism. -
Gerald Ford’s Presidency
He was the VP for Nixon and became president after Nixon quitting office, and because of that Congress passes new laws to limit executive power. -
Marshall Plan
President Truman signed the act of Economic Recovery Act of 1948 also known as Marshall Plan. America gave money to Western Europe to rebuild after World War 2, the money was for food, materials, and fuel and to prevent the spread of communism to residents and to affect the war . the plan lasted for four years from 1948- 1953 -
Berlin Airlift
Began a the end of World War ll, U.S and British planes supply W. Berlin with air shipment dropped from planes for about a year 1948-49, bicause Berlin was located in the middle of Germany an area control by the Soviet -
Fair Deal
the fair deal was proposed by Harry S. Truman the U.S president, the goal of the purpose to have health insurance for all Americans -
Rock 'n' Roll
it began in the United States by African-American. In the late 1940s, and early 50s teens listened to rock and roll. it was a crotreversial song gender., parents saw it a sex symbol -
Korean War
the Korean war was actually a conflict and nor a "war" Korea was divided by the U.S nd USSR at 38th parallel, the USSR was in control of Noth Korea and had a communist leader Kim ll-sung and south korea was led bu the U.S aND had capitalistgoverment -
Elvis Presley
Elvis (Elvis the pelvis) was a R'N'R phenomenal he adopts the rhythm blues from African American he ends up inventing his dances style, but his moves offended millions of elders -
Earl Warren Supreme Court
E. Warrant was a politician and judge he was the most liberal SCOTUS, he chopped conservation tenants down, and he was the judge of Enge v. Vitale, Brown v. Board, Loving v. Virginia and two more court cases -
Polio Vaccine
Dr. Jonas Salk developed polio vaccine Polio vaccine was developed by Dr. Jonas Salk the vaccine was meant to deactivate the virus. By 1961 an oral vaccine was made available for the sick ones and in 1994 polio was eradicated from the U.S -
Brown v. Board of Education
this case was about a seven-year African American named Linda Brown. Her parents wanted her to go to an area school wich was an all white school and she was not permitted to attend the school -
Emmett Till Tragedy
E.Till was a 12-year-old African American that was accused of talking to a 21-year-old women and later killed by 2 white man Caroline husband and her husband's cousin. -
LSD or also known as acid strong mood changed made out of chemicals. It famous drug was introduced in 1938 and later used by the counterculture as a psychotomimetic drug -
Vietnam War
Vietnam War 1959- 1975, a war in-between north Vietnam and a south Vietnam group call Vietcong a group that used guerrilla tactic it was initialted by Nixon -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was an activist in the civil right movement. She went to jail for not giving up her seat to a white person, and after that, the Montgomery boy cot started as a defense of African American rights -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
African American refused to ride the montgomery buses, the goal was to protest agint the separation of seats (whites in front blacks in the back) -
Martin Luther King Jr’s Civil Rights beginning
M. Luther was an activist of the Civil Right movement also he was a preacher that was not violent during the riots, he is the one that had a "Dream" he was successful in the defense of Blacks -
Little Rock 9
9 highs school student were restricted from Central High School for beeing black wish was ordered by Governor Orval Faubus -
Civil Rights Act of 1957
president Eisenhower passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, in the protection of African Americans votes in the north, but there was also problems with the Democrat they didn't respect the right of African Americans -
Race to Space/Moon
is a battle between the U.S and the Soviet Union, so see wich on is the best exploring space. Thi also proved the best county at science, technology, and economic system. spce tegnology is wat created our future lik einternet, tv, computer cell pone and other techlogys -
Beat Generation
The Beat Generation is a movement started by American writers after Worl War II. Thye believed in the usage of drugs, sexual preferences, religion and most important they rejected American values. Thy ware part of the counterculture -
The group started in the United States by the counterculture youth in the 1060s.
The Hippies were against violence. Also, they believed in sexual liberation, they had a nonchristian faith, and they loved to use drugs."Peace, and Love" -
Counter Culture
Counter Culture was started in by rebellious young people that did not want to follow the American value. They are known as New Left or also hippies, it was just groups of people taht didnot fallow rules -
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
It is a company that controls most of the world oil. Also, places an embargo on U.S for supporting Israel and Nixon makes Israel give up territory to end U.S embargo -
Politics (Nixon, Kennedy)
Nixon vs. Kennedy was a TV debate, and all viewers noticed the image and age. Tv was an advantage for Kennedy and disadvantage for Nixon bicause of his looks even tho he was a good debater -
Peace Corps
Peace Corps, president J.F. Kennedy is a volunteer program that helps the third world nations to prevent communism and also decreases poverty in those areas.They send teacher, nurses or other that is needed to help the people -
Freedom Rides
A group of whites and blacks traveling to the deep South, they were looking for African-American that lived in the south that wanted them to come out in another word they wanted them to vote and fight tfor ther righst -
Television was invented by Philo Farnsworth and Charles Francis Jenkins. And in the 90s satellite television came out. Space technology started the technology in TVs -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Johnson pass this act that banned segregation in business and places open to the public and made legal not to hire based on race religion or ethnicity -
Grate Society
the Great Society was signed byPresident Lyndon B. Johnson. It is a domestic program with the goal of eliminating poverty and discrimination. -
Anti-War Movement
Anti- War Movement is a social movement that opposed war or armed conflicts an example can be the opposition of Americans against the Vietnam War also the beginning was caused by President B. Johnson went he order military invention in north Vietnam -
New Frontiers
The New Frontier is J.F Kennedy campaign program in 1960 they promise to a better economy, better education and health care and less discrimination. -
Sit-ins are nonviolent groups of students that go to other public places, the first Greensboro, North Carolin they protested at lunch centers and an in areas for only whites -
Beginnings of the Personal Computer
The first desktop was introduced in 1975 that had 256 bytes of memory microprocessor ran it. This was technology started by space technology. -
Nixon Presidency
He is the 37th president of U.S and the only one to resign from office bicause his administration were in illegal activities wit the Watergate scandal. But he also did the right thing like ending the Vietnam war and improving relationships with the Russian. -
Apollo 11
the apollo 11 was the first spaceship to take astronauts to space and come back safely plus the astronauts were the fist to walk on the moon for 2 hours and 21 minutes. this meant we beat Russia in The Space War -
Feminism is a group of people that are for Women's rights they want equality of females. Feminism was influenced by liberalism and was started by Betty Friedan a, American literature writer and an activist -
Jimmy Carter’s Presidency
He is a Democrat, a formal submarine commander. he is incumbent and has to deal with the bad economy in the U.S he also hostage crisis in Iran and became unpopular -
Panama Canal
Jimmy C. and Panama Dictator Omar. T agree to give up the Panama canal from U.S to Panama -
The Moral Majority
its an organization associated with the Christian and republican rights and was founded by, Jerry Falwell, a baptism ministry -
Three-Mile Island
In Dauphin County, PA, a nuclear fabric had some mechanic problems causing the accident of radiation was being released, but there was no harm to it sounding, but for long term, people are exposed to lost radiation -
Discount Retailing
Discount Retailing are the product that at bought in large amounts but have low pric efor exaple stores that sell products like that are Walmart, K-Mart, and Home Depot. -
Ronald Reagan
he is a formal Governor in California; He was running for president on the Republican side in 1980 -
Election of 1980
The candidates of the elections of 1980 were Jimmy Carter a Democrat, Ronal Regan a Republican and Jhon B. Anderson he was an independent -
Jimmy Carter
He was in the Democrat party for the elections of 1980, and he became the 38th president of the United States -
Reagan Presidency
Rogan defeat Carter in the elections, he made the Regan Domestic Policy to cut income tax to spur economy and create better jobs as well during his presidency he had an assassination attempt by John Hinckey . -
Space Shuttle Program
The first space shuttle launch called Columbia in April 1981, and Sally Ride she is the fist American woman in space and in 1986 Challenger explodes. -
A.I.D.S. Crisis
AIDS is a sexually transmitted virus that came to the United States in 1981 and was most common on gay couples -
Entertainment wat Cable Tv CNN, ESPN, MTV this were the go to channels to watch at home as a family. Ther was shows from cartoon all the way to song or the favorite thing at the moment -
Music Television (MTV)
MTV was launched on August 1, 1981, at 12.:01 am, and the host was John Lack and played footage of the Columbia launch, and later MTV was dedicated to only music. -
Video Head System (VHS)
it is a computer optical disc system that plays taped movies and was popular for use of cassettes -
Persian Gulf War / 1st Iraq War
The United States fights Iraq in the 1980's bicause of Saddam Hussein atacs Kuwait for selling cheap oil -
Climate Change
Global warming started to be noted by scientist do to the amount of fossil fuel that is used a day temperates have risen 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since 1800. -
Bill Clinton
He is a Democrat he was the governor of Arkansas; He won the elections of 1992 -
George H.W. Bush
He was running for president for the second term in the Republican party, the downturn the economy he was popular for the Persian Gulf War -
Election of 1992
in the election of 1992 President Geoge H.W. Bush ran for a second term, Bill Clinton as democrats and Businessman H. Ross Perot ran as an independent third party. -
space technology changes the world internet invented, and phones, all were working because of satellite signal also cable tv was getting familiar. -
Affordability of personal computers
Computers were easier to be owned by families, and they were way smaller that the first computers. Thy had the internet and a more usage as for game, and the first email was invented -
Bill Clinton Presidency
Clinton mad the policy Don't ask, don't tell as to allow gays in the military and he had health care reform, and plan was to nationalize -
internet started on military bases in the 60s to manage data, and by 1990s millions of Americans had the internet on their home computers -
cell phones
cell phones started to replace landlines, and then smartphones began to allow people to be on the internet just like a computer -
Election of 2000
In the election of 2000 Bush was running for president on the Republican party and Gore was running for president on the Democrat side. -
Bush v. Gore
Gore takes the election into SCOTUS they decided that 5-4 that Bush won but Gore wins the popular vote by half a million. -
9/11 Attacks
19 al-Qaeda hijackers board 4 planes, 2 planes hit theWorld Trade killing 2,973 people on of the 2 airplane left hit the pentagon and the other and the other falls in a field -
2nd Iraq War
Afghanistan is bombed in October 2001 for not turning in terrorist, and Bin Laden escapes until may 2011 -
George W. Bush Presidency
Bush promise to use private eindustry, charity and religious organization to help poor, a din 2002 and 2008 recession hit economy he also began the No Children Is left behind campaign and starts the standardized test -
War on Terror
GWOT a war started by the international military campaign after the 911 ATTAC -
Election of 2008
The first African-American runs for president he is named Barack Obama and he is the democrat party and Jhon make runs fro presiden as well but for the republican party -
Barack Obama
Obama wins the election and he promises to change the economy. he is the first African-American to become president in U.S he does a double run (8 years) -
immigrant Asia and Latin America
Right-wing political call for restrictions to protect American jobs, crime, taxes, healthcare were concerns of president bush -
Obama Presidency
in the 8 years of Obama administration he, names Sonia Sotomayor the fist Hispanic justice, he sings the American Recovery and Reinvestment act 2009, he does what he promise by creating new jobs a the passed the law for the Obama care wish mean all American had to have insurance.