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Post WWII Timeline

  • Ike Turner

    Ike Turner
    "Ike" is a nickname, but his real name is Izear LUster " Ike Turner, Jr. Born on November 5, 1931, this musician was the leader of his own band that creates his own song, arranger, talent scout, and also a record producer. His popularity grew in the 1960's and the 1970's when his wife, Tina Turner in the Ike and Tina Turner Revue.
  • Little Richard

    Little Richard
    Born on December 5, 1932, Little Richard became an iconic figure for the Rock and Roll music industry. He is an American songwriter, singer, and as well as a fine musician. For six decades, he was heard and worship for he had shown the characteristic and the foundation for rock and roll.
  • HUAC

    The HUAC was those who investigate American that can be potentially be communists. The origin of this started by the Nazi spies in the 1930's. The HUAC look for Americans that are influenced by communist that inside and outside of the U.S. government after WWII. These included famous people such as celebrities and high ranking officials.
  • Television

    Television is a telecommunication medium that is used for transferring and moving images in monochrome or color. After World War II, many American have adopted the leisure time of television for entertainment, and later be used for obtaining information such as politics and music.
  • Orval Faubus

    Orval Faubus
    Orval Eugene Faubus was an American Democratic politician that was the 36th Governor of Arkansas. He was remembered as for his stand against the desegregation of the Little Rock School District during the Little Rock Crisis.
  • G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    G. I. Bill is also knows as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944. This law provided benefits for all returnees from WWII which are called "G.I.s). This law avoided the postponed "cash bonus" payout for WWI veterans that happened in the past and makes it easier for the veterans of from the second World War.
  • Trinity Test

    Trinity Test
    The Trinity Test was a code name for activating and testing the nuclear weapon during the Manhattan project. J. Robert Oppenheimer was the man that created the Trinity Test project after reading poetry by John Donne. This was at the time and design as when the fat man that destroyed Nagasaki in 1945.
  • Little Boy

    Little Boy
    "Little Boy" was a code name of a nuclear bomb used to drop on Hiroshima. This was the first bomb to be used in a warfare. This was invented by Lieutenant Commander Francis Birch in the Manhattan project during WWII. It was 10 feet in length and weighed 9,700 pounds.
  • Fat Man

    Fat Man
    "Fat Man" was the code name used to drop on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. The "Fat Man" was the second atomic ever used as a war weapon after "Little Boy". This was a widespread explosion that was also known as the mark III.
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    Cold War

  • TV Show

    TV Show
    In the 1950's television is still the new hype thing that everybody's drawn to for entertainment. TV shows such as "I Love Lucy" and "Gunsmoke" are two of the most popular televised shows during this time.
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  • McCarthyism

    Senator McCarthy is the assumption of accusing those of being a communist without any evidence to back it up. He also got up on the people's faces and bombarded them with questions. The origin of this happening was during the Second Red Scare when the people of the US were fearful that communism will dominate the world. The using of McCarthyism dates back from 1950 to 1956.
  • Beat Generation

    Beat Generation
    In the 1950's, the Beat Generation is a movement that was created by those who work explored and influenced the cultures and politics in the American society after the end of WWII. This generation was ejection for their standard of values, beliefs, rejection of materialism, exploration of religion, and experimented with drugs.
  • Bill Haley and the Comets

    Bill Haley and the Comets
    Bill Haley and the Comets were a rock and roll band in 1951 and continued through 1981 after Haley's death. "Bill Haley and the Comets" or "Bill Haley's Comet" were two ways of getting their name out to the world. During the period of 1954 to 1956, there have been reports of nine singles in the top 20.
  • Duck and Cover

    Duck and Cover
    The term "Duck and Cover" is a term used to be used as protection from the negative effects of a nuclear explosion. This method was a way to educate everybody, especially kids in schools. Whenever anyone encounter an the signal for the terror, everybody must duck their bod and cover their necks from the radius of the effects of the impact.
  • Earl Warren Supreme Court

    Earl Warren Supreme Court
    Born in the 19th of March in 1891, This American Jurist and politician served as the 30th Governor of California in 1943-1953. Later, he earned the title as the 14th Chief Justice of the United States. His decisions were liberal of the Warren Court which outlawed segregation in pubic schools.
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    Civil Rights

  • Domino Theory

    Domino Theory
    In the 1950s and the 1980s, when one country falls to communism, others around them falls under the same effect. The domino affect the first country and others fall in the same way, so countries such as the US., tries to do whatever it takes to prevent this from that ultimate fate.
  • Elvis Preley

    Elvis Preley
    Elvis Aaron Presley was an American singer and actor in the 1950's. Elvis was known for being "the king of rock and roll". Others just simply called him "the King". When he was 13, he recorded his first record and that was the beginning of his career in 1954 under the producer of Sam Phillips.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The Brown v. Board of Education is a case that the Supreme Court got involved in. This court made it unconstitutional for the states laws establish separate schools for the separation of blacks and whites.
  • Dr. Jonas Salk

    Dr. Jonas Salk
    Dr. Jonas Edward Salk was born on October 28, 1914. He was an American doctor and virologist. Since 1955 was the era that everybody was worries about polio, he stepped up to create the first successful working polio vaccine.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    The Polio Vaccine are vaccines used to fight poliomyelitis. Polios can either be Inactive poliovirus and is given injections to combat the effects, or weakened poliovirus which have to be given by mouth. Dr. Jonas Salk was the inventor that started the rid of polio in the US.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    Emmett Louis Till was born in July 25, 194. One day, this African American teenager that was dared to ask out a white girl out. Without hesitation, he came up and did just that. He was found later of being lynched and shot in the Mississippi.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Born in February 4th 1913, Rosa Parks came to be an iconic person in the civil rights movement. She was an activist and was awarded title as "the first lady of civil rights" and the "mother of the freedom movement" because she refused to give up her seat and peacefully protested.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott is an event during the civil rights era. This boycott was a political and social protest against the policy that African Americans had to sit in the back in the presence of a white person. During this time, African Americans boycott the bus and find other ways of transportation.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    The Little Rock Nine was a group of African American students attending in the Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The Little Rock Crisis in which students were prevented to enter school due to the racial segregation.
  • Sit-ins

    Sit-ins or Sit-downs is a form of protest to promote political, economic, and social change during a civil rights movement. Whites were against this because they would often "sit-in" for a long extensive amount of period. Blacks were punished with food and eventually thrown into jail.
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  • LSD

    LSD, also known as Lysergic acid diethylamide is a drug. This drug has the effects that changes the perspective and the feelings of the surroundings. This makes an individual senses images that seems real though they are not.
  • Counter Culture

    Counter Culture
    A counter culture that behaves differently than the normal individuals. Counter Culture often opposed the mainstream cultures morals and instead of being the same as the normal average American.
  • Hippies

    Hippies is a member of the counter culture movement. Originally it was started out as a youth movement but it later transformed through all across American and into older people. The world hippie came from hipster which had been originated from beatniks.
  • Peace Corp

    Peace Corp
    The Peace Corps is a program that gets its people from the United States government. Their mission of the Peace Corps is to provide technical assistance, aiding help to people outside of the United States to understand the American culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs is a failed military located at Cuba that was led by Kennedy in April 17, 1961. Eisenhower allows that operation to overthrow Castro by using Cuban exiles. The exiles was destroyed and Kennedy takes the blame, and the CIA was privately being blamed.
  • Fallout Shelter

    Fallout Shelter
    Fallout shelter is a facility used to protect occupants from radioactive debris or fallout caused by any nuclear explosions. During the Cold War, many were open to protect those from the impact of the explosion, and it serves as a civil defense.
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States, and on November 22, 1963, located at Dallas, Texas, Lee Harvey Oswald aimed and launched an attack on him. He went to the hospital immediately, but he was announced dead later.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald

    Lee Harvey Oswald
    Lee Harvey Oswald was a former Marine under the command of the United States' marine. On November 22, 1963, He was in position to launch an attack. Oswald shot and killed Kennedy on the day as the president travel through Dallas.
  • Warren Commission

    Warren Commission
    The Warren Commission is the President's commission on the Assassination of Kennedy. President Lyndon B. Johnson created the Warren Commission through Executive Order 11130 to investigate the murder indicate.
  • Daisy Ad Girl

    Daisy Ad Girl
    Daisy or "Daisy Girl" was a political advertisement that was aired on TV in 1964. It was only aired one time but it came to be important factor that contribute to the victory for Lyndon B. Johnson over Barry Goldwater.
  • Great Society

    Great Society
    The Great Society was implemented by president Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964-1965. He wanted to get rid of poverty and radical injustice all together to form a new and "Great Society". His firt mentioning of this speech was when he spoke his speech at Ohio University and then again at University of Michigan.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Born in the late era of the 1920, Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister. He grew to became and iconic image during the civil rights era. He used the fundamental Gandhi's teachings and implemented onto the civil right's movement.
  • Death of MLK

    Death of MLK
    Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader that was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968. He rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital where they announced that he was dead at 7:05 pm.
  • Stonewall Riot

    Stonewall Riot
    The Stonewall Riots was when the Stonewall uprising and there was a Stonewall rebellion. These were a series of violent action over the members of the gay community against a police raid in the early morning on June 28, 1969.
  • NASA

    NASA or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established by president Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958. In the early 60's Kennedy promised to land a man on the moon before Russia and that led space race. The year was 1969 when the first man, Neil Armstrong, landed on the moon.
  • Stagflation

    Stagflation is a situation is which the inflation rate grows highly, and the economy growth rate slows with high unemployment. It raises a dilemma for economic policy during the 1970's.
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  • Video Head System

    Video Head System
    Video Head Systems have been around since early as the 1970's, but it wasn't until the 1980's that the Video Head System became popular to the consumer. The VHS and the Betamax were the two of the most favored, but the VHS won. In 1971, the creation of a diagram of the VHS was called "VHS Development Matrix" which created 12 objectives for the VHS to be in favor of the consumer.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    Equal Rights Amendment or the (ERA) is proposed amendment to the Constitution to guarantee equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender. All human under the US constitution now have equal freedom and makes it legal distinctions between men adn women in terms of marriage.
  • Phyllis Schlafly

    Phyllis Schlafly
    Phyllis Schlafly was an American conservative activist and an constitutional lawyer. She was known for her conservative social and political views. Also, she was opposed to feminism and abortion. Her campaign against ratification of the Equal Right Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.
  • Watergate

    Watergate was a major political scandal in the 1970's. This includes the break-in at the Democratic national Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C. This con is was discovered and investigated by Congress about the cover up of Nixon's involvement.
  • Roe v. wade

    Roe v. wade
    The Roe v. Wade is a case that talks about the decision of abortion. This case involved Texas and prohibited abortion. The Supreme Court was held that the constitution protects the rights of women in the event of their child.
  • OPEC

    The OPEC is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is an intergovernmental organization of 13 nations. Their mission is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its members countries. They also want to ensure the stable of oil markets.
  • Nixon's Resignation

    Nixon's Resignation
    Richard M. Nixon was the 37th president of America, and he was the first president that resign form his post. Impeachment after the cause of the Watergate scandal. On August 8, 1974, He resigns from presidency.
  • Home Video Game System

    Home Video Game System
    Home Video Game System started back in the 1970's from the Atari 2600. This was the first home video game system that was placed on commercials, and had the option to use different games through cartridges. In the 1980's home video game are played through computers with better graphics, movement, and sound.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    President Jimmy Carter and Panama dictator Omar Torrijos together, signed a treaty agreeing to transfer control of the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal Treaty also immediate authorized abolished the Canal Zone.
  • Three-Mile Island

    Three-Mile Island
    The Three Mile Island had a nuclear meltdown that occurred in a reactor number 2 of three Mile Island nuclear Generation Station in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States. This was important in the nuclear power plant history rating 5 out of 7 in the International Nuclear Event Scale.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    The Iran Hostage Crisis was between Iran and the United States. Fifty-two Americans diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days. After the Iran students belonging to the Muslims supported the Iranian Revolution, the United States were takes over by Embassy in Tehran.
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  • A.I.D.S. Crisis

    A.I.D.S. Crisis
    AIDS originated in the Sub-Saharan African in 1930 from the mutation of chimpanzee. AIDS is a disease where virus destroys and damage the body's cellar immunity which lowers the defense which makes one's body vulnerable to an infection. AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
  • Space Shuttle Program

    Space Shuttle Program
    The Space Shuttle Program was originally called the Space Transportation System. The Space Shuttle was a form of way of launching shuttles from 1981. The Shuttle was shot from the ground into the space and safely land back on earth. The craftsmanship offers an aerodynamic winged shape which allowed it to freely descend through the atmosphere similarly to that of an airplane.
  • Reaganomics

    President Ronald Reagan combined his name with economics. Reaganomics sets policies are like a domino or a trickle-down economic effect. President Reagan's goals was to reduce the spending of the government, reduce federal income tax and regulation, capital gain tax, and better use money to reduce the chance of inflation.
  • Music Television

    Music Television
    In 1981, music began to broadcast on television. MTV was started out in New Jersey on cable, but eventually grew to capture the attention of the new generations. Many musicians started out their careers from this. MTV used their show to connect and reach the youth to vote.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    SDI or the Strategic Defense Initiative was a missile defense created to protect the United States from any attack caused by a ballistics missile or nuclear weapons. "Star Wars" was the nickname after the popular show in the 1970's and it reflected on how it was used and what it looked like.
  • Black Entertainment Television

    Black Entertainment Television
    The Black Entertainment Television is a basic cable and satellite television channel. The BET was owned by a division of Viacom. Their targeted audience is primary African American with about 88,255,000. The BET aired ram, hip-hop and R&B, then latter aired on its branded sister.
  • Reagan Doctrine

    Reagan Doctrine
    The Reagan Doctrine was created by president Reagan. Towards the last remaining years of the cold war, he was against the global influence of the Soviets, and he provided help to those against communist in effect to "rollback" the Soviets. Capitalism was his goals and Countries such as Latin America, Africa, and Asia all haven't got there yet.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    Iran Contra Affair
    The Iran Contra Affair or the Irangate Contragate was a political scandal that happened when President Reagan when in his second term. This United States secretly made deals with Iran for arms in return for the hostages in Lebanon. The United States used the profits to illegally finance the Contras in Nicaragua.
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
    The Challenger Explosion happened in 1986 then a space shuttle exploded in the air just 73 seconds from launched. The explosion destroyed the seal of the fuel tank and the program was stopped from working. Investigators find out various way for safety regulation and ultimately the program was resumed in 1988.
  • Oprah Winfrey

    Oprah Winfrey
    January 29th, 1954, Oprah Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi. Oprah Winfrey is America's first lady on talk shows. She is so famous, dominating her popularity in the Oprah Winfrey Show. But this wasn't her first show that was popular, The Color Purple was. And in 1986, she was nominated and received an award from the Chicago Academy for the Arts for unique contributions to the city's artistic community and was crowned the "Woman of Achievement" by the National Organization of Woman.
  • Affordable Cell Phones

    Affordable Cell Phones
    The 1990's was the time when cell phones were first time it was in the hands of the public. The 1990's was the second generation of the mobile phone system. During this time, there was two system that finished for the world and that is European developed the GSM and United States developed CDMA. This was the time of digital, not analog transmission. This was the rise of the mobile phone that uses 2G by the system of prepaid phone system.
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  • Persian Gulf War/1st Iraq War

    Persian Gulf War/1st Iraq War
    In 1991, The US went to war with the Iraq when they illegally invaded Kuwait. Since Iraq wanted to take over Kuwait's oil, and wanted to use the Persian Gulf for transporting oil, Iraq had it's eyes target for Kuwait. Then then United States came and they defeated Iraq, their army was reduced, and their economy was brutally injured. The United States offer a cease-fire agreement which allows the Iraq to enter U.N. inspectors to inspect for weapons.
  • Rodney King Incident

    Rodney King Incident
    The Rodney King is an African American who was beaten in Los Angeles in 1991. On March 3rd, 4 police officers from LA beaten him. There were footage of Rodney King being beaten and it raise awareness and concern to the police treatment in the United States.
  • The Election of 1992

    The Election of 1992
    The Election of 1992 was run by President George H.W. Bush an a Democrat name Bill Clinton. But there was another party that had also entered, the independent third party candidate, H. Ross Perot. Bill Clinton won majority of the votes and he secure his spot as presidency with a 43% where as Perot who've only received 19%.
  • World Trade Center - 1993

    World Trade Center - 1993
    In 1993, the World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack that started from a truck bomb exploded under the North Tower. 1,336 pounds of urea nitrate-hydrogen gas was planned to crash into the North Tower, thus, destroying the South Tower, too. And it did. This would results in tens of thousand of people killed and injuring thousands more.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    The North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA is agreements including Canada, United States, and Mexico. This agreement creates a trilateral trade in the neighboring countries. This agreement is the free interaction and trading. It combines the power of GDP making it the second biggest GDP in the world.
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy
    The Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy (DADT) was a policy on military service by lesbians or gays created and enforced by Clinton Administration. This policy states that there is no more discriminating in any military personnel.
  • Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

    Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
    The Defense of Marriage Act was created in September 21, 1996. This law was signed by President Clinton stating that marriage is "only legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife." Same sex marriage is not recognized in states, so no two people of the same sex can legally in marriage.
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  • Election of 2000

    Election of 2000
    The Election of 2000 was a cruel and close election that the electoral college had to voter specifically targeted Flordia because there was conflict in the the counting. As the recount occurred, Gored was the man behind it because he sued for a recount, and this was the first time the Supreme Court got involved in electoral college's decision. So, the votes were counted as it was and Bush won presidency of the election of 2000
  • Al Gore

    Al Gore
    Albert Gore was a candidate that participated in the 2000 presidential election. Due to this candidate, Al Gore was the closest elections in history. Albert was the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Clinton. He ran for presidency in 2000 and won popular vote but lost to the electoral college's vote.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush was the president that passed the No Child Left Behind Act. He ran against Al Gore in the election of 2000, and it was a close race to presidency. The Electoral College stepped in and ultimately, George W. Bush was awarded as the next president of the United States of America. He was engaged in the invasion of 9/11 attacks.
  • Bush v. Gore

    Bush v. Gore
    In the election of 2000 presidential election located in Florida, Democratic Albert Gore sued and wanted a recount due to conflicts in the three Democratic countries. The Supreme Court stepped in and it was a 5-4 decision, and totally stopped the recount. This was a real close election that could've gone either way, but with the supreme court interfering, Bush was awarded presidency.
  • 9/11 Attack

    9/11 Attack
    On September 11, 2001, there were four terrorist attack orchestrated by the Islamic terriorst group al-Qaeda in the United States. In the morning, the attack killed almost 3,000 people and caused damaged upwards of 10 billion dollars. Research shows that roughly 6,000 people report of being injured during the cause of this assault. This incident lasted for an hour and 42 minutes.

    The USA PATRIOT ACT was signed by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. This act stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America By Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001" This was signed to deterred and punish terrorist that attack and might attack in the future. This act affect the mortgage industry and it strengths money laundering laws to prevent terrorists from making money and prevent them from creating any terrorists schemes in the future.
  • No Child Left Behind Education Act

    No Child Left Behind Education Act
    No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is geared towards those who are involved with the Disabilities Education Act which is an Elementary and Secondary Eu cation Act. This set of laws persuades students to achieve better to catch up to the 21st century era. No Child Left Behind finance more money on education than previously, so schools with low income families are given Title I Funds which they can use to help with improvement NCLB.
  • Hurricane Katrina Disaster

    Hurricane Katrina Disaster
    During the Bush administrations second term was helpless when Hurricane Katrina disaster occurred. This hurricane destroyed 80% of New Orleans, over 1300 people died, and have damages upwards of 150 billion dollars. This was considered one of a huge natural disaster ever.
  • 2008 Election

    2008 Election
    The 2008 Presidential election had two nominations that were both running for the Democratic and that was Hillary Clinton and Baack Obama. Republican representative, John McCain was chose for this election. Obama orchestrated a grass root campaign that targeted young voters and encourage African Americans to vote for him. After the aftermath, Obama was awarded as the first African American president of the United States.
  • Obama Presidency

    Obama Presidency
    In many years of Obama's Presidency, he had done many things to improve the United States as a whole. For starters, he combated terrorist groups and fought in Afghanistan in 2001. In 2011, The United States upgraded their technology and used drone aircraft to target al-Qaeda members. In 2010, Obama wanted to passed down a health care, and Congress passed a plan to reform. All this happened during the presidency era of Obama.