Post-WWII Timeline

  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt was the reason in getting the Panama Canal built.Theodore Roosevelt acquired the land to build the canal by helping Panama gain independence and thus for, gaining the rights to build the canal within Panama's land.The canal was fifty miles long and spanned across the Isthmus of Panama and was used as a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
  • G.I. Bill

    G.I. Bill
    The G.I Bill help and or allowed veterans returning from the war to continue their education at the government's expense, the G.I bill also gave the veterans a staggering amount of money. The veterans received over sixteen billion dollars in low interest. The bill allowed he government to back loans to buy homes and farms and to start businesses for veterans and provide them with a better means of living. By this, the federal government stimulated the postwar economic expansion.
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  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain symbolized the ideological fighting and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas in the post-WWII and Cold War era. The boundary set a vertical boundary through the Germany. The boundary was located on the west side which included the countries of Soviet Union, Poland, Finland, Hungary, Austria, Romania and West Germany, and on the east side was England, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and East Germany.
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    Cold War

  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan offered the European nations economic funding's to rebuild their country, as long as the money was spent on goods made within the United States. The plan appealed to many American leaders. Those who supported it hoped to promote democracy in Europe and to fight against the spread of communism, thus reinforcing the Truman Doctrine and the policy of containment. They also wanted to open markets for American goods and further boost the economy of the United States.
  • Fair Deal

    Fair Deal
    President Truman's Fair Deal expanded upon and extended Franklin D, Roosevelt's New Deal. President Truman's new deal allowed for Health care, public housing, education & public works, minimum wage, electricity & telephones.Truman was unsuccessful in his call for national health insurance, aid to education, civil rights legislation, and the repeal of Taft-Hartley. This was mainly due to the Korean war and how they had to scale it back.
  • Beat Generation

    Beat Generation
    The Beat Generation emerged within the late nineteenth century and was known as the group of American writers who came to as well those who wrote about the conformity/avocation of free-form experimentation in life and literature.The generation typically wrote of rejection of mainstream American values, the use of drugs (LSD was prominent during this time) and other way's of identifying ones sexual identity.
  • Korean War (forgotten war)

    Korean War (forgotten war)
    During the Korean War also known as The Forgotten War, Korea was taken from Japan at the end of World War II and ended up divided at the thirty eight parallel at the Northern half controlled by the Soviet Union and the southern half was occupied by the United States. North Korea invaded South Korea and the United Nations sent in troops to fight communist china.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    The Polio illness was a contagious viral illness that caused paralysis, difficulty breathing & death towards many within the United States during this period. This viral illness had around sixty thousand Cases and thirty thousand deaths within the United States. The illness went went overboard after the second world war II and usually occurred in the summer,where children were the most affected. But In 1955 Dr. Jonas Salk invented the 1st ever vaccine,1961 Dr. Albert Sabin's oral polio vaccine.
  • Brown V Board of Education

    Brown V Board of Education
    The board of education during the time period of 1954 denied Linda Brown rights to admittance to a all white school within the south. Thur good Marshall argued that a separate but equal violated equal protection which is present within the fourteenth amendment. Warren decided to create separate educational facilities which was unequal, whites had more rights. Brown v Board of education was also shown within the Little Rock 9 event and how the nine students weren't able to attend the high school.
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    Civil Rights

  • Emmet Till Tragedy

    Emmet Till Tragedy
    was an African-American teenager who was lynched in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman.
    when he went into the store to buy some candy he whistled at Carolyn Bryant
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a situation of which involved the nationalist forces trying to unify the country of Vietnam. The Nationalist were trying to unify the country under a communist government to control the northern and southern side of the country. The United States Government aided the of Southern side of the Vietnamese, this happened because the US were afraid that communism was gonna spread.
  • Bill Haley and the comets

    Bill Haley and the comets
    Rock and Roll during the nineteenth and late nineteenth century was a successive hit and created an emergence of new ideas and culture that brought on change to the United States. The musical style rose to dominance. One particular rock and roll hit group was Bill Haley and the Comets, they merged the rhythm of blues with white bluegrass and country. Rock 'n' roll music became a defining staple in the culture for teenagers.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    During the year of 1955 an African American by the name of Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a city bus. A Civil rights leader by the name of Dr. Martin L. King brought upon this issue and led a boycott of city buses against the city of Montgomery. After eleven months the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public transportation was illegal. This event spurred across African communities and led to a successful boycott in gaining African Civil rights.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The space race was during the nineteenth century and was mainly a rivalry against the countries of the United States and the Soviet Union. During this era, the cold war was occurring and both countries wanted to show that they were the dominant country, the war increased tensions between both countries even more. The space race proved to be a statement to whoever could get to the space the fastest. It was a proving grounds of science, technology, and the countries economy.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was developed by President Harry, S Truman in regards to the situation regarding the containment policy that promised economic stability and aid to those fighting against the communists. The Truman doctrine would later drag the United States into more conflicts such as Vietnam war and Korea war.
  • Little rock 9

    Little rock 9
    On the date of September third 1957 the school board located within Little rock, Arkansas, successfully won a court order to allow nine African American students to an all white high school, Central High. The governor Orval Fabus ordered troops from the Arkansas National Guard to prevent them from entering the school. The next day as the National Guard troops escorted the students to class and around school grounds due to the violence they faced within school grounds, white mobs were present.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail

    Ho Chi Minh Trail
    The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a serious of network routes/ jungle paths stretching throughout through the North Vietnamese border and through Laos and Cambodia and lastly ending into South Vietnam. The trail was used as a military route the Vietcong to supply their troops within the war. The Vietcong were a Communist army which were known as a guerrilla force in South Vietnam. The north essentially wanted to overthrow and take over southern Vietnam.
  • Beat Generation

    Beat Generation
    The Beat Generation were a group of writers within the United States within the time period of the late nineteenth century. This generation was could be considered the cultural phenomena, due to the material that they wrote about. This generation particularly wrote about the culture of rejection of mainstream American values. The ideology of using drugs and being sexually active within Americans during this society was opposed through the Beat generations writings.
  • Counter Culture

    Counter Culture
    The Counter Culture movement was created after the Vietnam war and a movement which upheld values different from those of mainstream culture. The movement consisted of mostly young people, mainly consisting of college students who became disillusioned with the war and injustices in America during the late the nineteen sixties. The movement established new society based on peace and love and rejected materialism.
  • Feminism

    There were three waves within the feminism movement within the time period of the nineteen sixties. The 1st movement wave of feminism focused on ending legal barriers to female rights such as women's suffrage. The 2nd wave consisted of the women's Liberation Movement, this movement campaigned for equal rights as men and consisted of issues such as employment, and government positions. The third wave focused on the fact that anyone could be a feminist, this mvt focused on expressing who you are.
  • The New Frontier

    The New Frontier
    The New Frontier was a campaign program that was advocated by the youngest president of the United States, john F Kennedy and was a main forefront for Kennedy within the nineteen sixty presidential election. Kennedy promised to revitalize the stagnant economy and to reform the legislation within education institutions, health care, and civil rights. In contrast The New Frontier was a liberal movement that contrast's to president Eisenhower's conservative views.
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  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    The Peace corps was created by the youngest President John F Kennedy. The Peace Corps promoted voluntary service by American citizens to help contribute to foreign countries that are in need of aid. The peace corps provided labor help to aid in helping develop countries, particularly third world countries and to improve their infrastructure, health care, educational systems, and other aspects of their societies.
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  • Anti-War Movement

    Anti-War Movement
    The Anti-War Movement consisted mainly of college students within the United States. These college students protested and started a movement also known as the Free Speech movement in California. The Anti-War Movement had a vision of which differed from the government, and sought it wrong to seek war within the country of Vietnam and condemned the presence of the United States within the country. The movement saw America Waring in the country denied the Vietnamese their rights.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Ride or freedom riders were American civil rights activists who traveled across the South in a bus to end segregation in facilities serving interstate bus passengers. Freedom rides consisted of both black and white American citizens and was an effort to end segregation within public transportation. The freedom riders efforts were frequently met with protests and violence, but they persevered and gained public attention to their cause of civil rights.
  • Cesar Chavez

    Cesar Chavez
    The United Farm Workers was founded by the Mexican civil rights leader Cesar Chavez and his co founders, Philip Vera Cruz, Dolores Huerta, and Larry Itliong. Cesar wanted better working rights for Hispanics. This union changed from a workers' rights organization that helped workers get unemployment insurance to that of a union of farm workers almost overnight. Cesar also helped exploited Chicano workers with his successful "boycott grapes" movement that led to better pay.
  • Agent Orange

    Agent Orange
    Agent orange was a war weapon that contained harmful effects within the human body. Agent orange was used to reveal Vietcong and the North Vietnamese Army's hiding places. The war chemical was used to destroy Vietnamese forests, brush, and crops.The chemical was later discovered by the United States that the chemical had negative effects on livestock and humans. Agent orange is still affecting Vietnam in modern time and caused baby's to be born with deformalitites within Vietnam.
  • Birmingham March

    Birmingham March
    Birmingham is a state within the United States and is located in Alabama, the state was strictly segregated, and blacks were restricted to low income. The state had a daily occurrence of violence against African Americans and whites who supported in gaining civil rights for African Americans. This brought upon the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr, He sought of non violence protest in Birmingham as it would "radiate across the South" and be shown within TV across the United States.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington occurred in August 1963 and was organized by civil rights leaders, most prevent leader was Martin Luther King Jr. The March on Washington organized a massive rally within Washington Dc to urge passage of President Kennedy's civil rights bill. The high point came when Martin Luther King Jr gave his "I Have a Dream" speech to more than 200,000 marchers in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
  • John F Kennedy

    John F Kennedy
    John F Kennedy ran against Richard M Nixon in the election of 1960 and was the thirty fifth president (youngest president to ever be elected) President of the United States. Kennedy was the only president to have won a Pulitzer Prize; events during his administration include the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis. The 35th president will be later assassinated by taking shots to the head by sniper shots from Lee Harvey Oswald at Dallas, TX 22nd November 1963.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    The youngest and thirty fifth President of the United States was brutally murdered during the beginning of his presidential campaign trail to be elected again for a second presidential term. Kennedy was shot and killed by to bullets which struck his head and throat in Dallas Texas. The shooter was identified as Lee Harvey Oswald, Harvey was found in a movie theater in an attempt to hide from the United States Government. He was killed a couple days later by Jack Ruby.
  • Lee Harvey Oswald

    Lee Harvey Oswald
    Lee Harvey Oswald was formerly apart of the United States Marine Corps who served as a soldier. Lee fled from the United States and gotten ride of his United States citizenship, Lee fled to the Soviet Union and lived within the communist country for a certain time period and returned to the United States. One year later before he killed John F Kennedy and a local police officer J.D. Tippit.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    Freedom summer was a campaign within the city of Mississippi and occurred to allow African Americans to vote. Mississippi passed a law outlawing African Americans to vote within the United States government.The lacks of registered votes demonstrated the need for federal enforcement of Voting Rights. During freedom summer three boys were brutally murdered, the three boys were Andrew (Andy) Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner.
  • Daisy Girl Ad

    Daisy Girl Ad
    The Daisy girl ad was a controversial political advertisement that was showed on TV's during the time period of 1964, it also was shown within the United States presidential election. The Daisy Girl Ad was considered a huge factor in president Johnson's victory over Barry Goldwater and an important turning point in political and advertising history. The Daisy Girl is still considered one of the most controversial ads within United States history.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    The Great Society was Presidents Lyndon B Johnson's version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. During the time period of nineteen sixty five congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education. Many Great Society programs are still ongoing in today's society and is implemented mainly within the communities within, particularly the poorer regions.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    The Selma March begun occurred due to the segregation and violence that occurred within Selma. The Selma march marched to prove how angry and upset they were. And they had to prove their point. But the government has shown them their point too. Martin Luther King lead the march with 600 other brave people. This took 5 days and was 54 miles long. The African Americans came with signs and sang songs so that the everybody would see them and they could be free and equal.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    The voting rights act of 1965 was brought in by President Lyndon B Johnson within 1965. The Act was brought in many minorities and African Americans were being discriminating for voting.it was also brought in due to the use of any test or device to deny the vote and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that had disenfranchised blacks.More blacks became politically active and elected black representatives and discrimination would just interfere with citizens rights.
  • Warren Burger Supreme Court

    Warren Burger Supreme Court
    The United States supreme court was under the Chief Justice Warren Burger during the time period of nineteen sixty nine and - nineteen eighty six. The Warren burger court handle and managed issues and important rulings within the united States which usually included abortion and sexual discrimination.The Warren Burger Supreme Court also expanded the rights of criminal defendants within the court and racial and religious minorities.
  • Earl Warren Supreme Court

    Earl Warren Supreme Court
    The Chief Justice Earl Warren within the time period between the time period of nineteen fifty and nineteen sixty and was a chief who highly fought for Minorities and civil rights. Earl Warren used a loose interpretation to expand rights for both African-Americans/ minorities and criminals who were wrongly accused for crimes they have not done. All and all the Earl Warren Supreme court was a court that supported the rights of minorities and brought upon civil rights within the United States.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    the first manned mission to land on the Moon. It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon. It was also the second all-veteran crew in manned spaceflight history. Launched on July 16, 1969, it carried Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Aldrin, Jr. On July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon, while Collins orbited above.
  • The New Right

    The New Right
    The new right was conservative movement within the time period of the late nineteen eighties.The movement was was highly based on the problems such as "social issues" within the united States , the movement had an opposition to abortion, the Equal Rights Amendment, pornography, homosexuality, and affirmative action. The individuals who were apart of the movement had traditional values instead of the counter culture ideals that many of the youngsters in the generation had.
  • Environmental Protection Industry

    Environmental Protection Industry
    The Environmental Protection Industry also known as the EPA was an agency that prevented pollution within the United States who implemented different regulations into the country. The EPA is one of the largest federal agencies and was created by an executive order, the agency regulated air, water, solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic substances within the United States, it was brought in to regulate the environment to make living standards better.
  • Discount Retailing

    Discount Retailing
    Discount retailing was a tactic or a set of business activities that adds value to the products and services sold to consumers for their personal or family use. Discount retailing brought in many customers due to the great service and care that the stores brought forth onto the people who bought their products. The tactic saved customers money, but also left customers leaving the store feeling liked they've gotten served.
  • Election of 1980

    Election of 1980
    The election of nineteen eighty was a presidential election between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Ronald Reagan won by a landslide due to the Iran Hostage crisis. The Iran Hostage occurred due to the Iranian protesters who took over the United States Embassy in Tehran. The hostages took sixty six Americans. The American Government, Army, and President Carter was unable to obtain the US embassy that was taken for hostage.
  • Space Shuttle Program

    Space Shuttle Program
    The Space Shuttle program, NASA also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was created to get the moon. The Space shuttle program was launched on the date of January the 5th, nineteen seventy two. The Space shuttle program was supposed to compete with the ISS, the space shuttle program was later discontinued due to the amount of money it took to maintain and create new space gadgets/ space shuttles.
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  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    The equal rights amendment was a constitutional amendment that was introduced within the United States government in the time period of nineteen twenty three and passed by Congress in nineteen seventy two.The Amendment said that rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." Despite public support, the amendment failed to acquire the necessary support from three-fourths of the state legislatures.
  • Roe V Wade

    Roe V Wade
    The Roe V Wade court case was a case of legal abortion within the United States and occurred on the date of January the first, nineteen seventy three. The of Court justices stated that the United States government did not have the power to ban child abortions, and this was due to the decision protected by the 14th Amendment, with a ruling of 7-2.
  • Nixon Tapes

    Nixon Tapes
    The Nixon tapes were recordings of conversations within the Oval office. The tapes were used as blackmailing tool
    period of recording during the time period of February nineteen seventy one and July nineteen seventy, the tape had a mysterious three 18 and half minute gap and was eventually turned over to the United States government. There were sixty four tapes with two hundred hours connected to Watergate scandal.
  • War powers resolution act

    War powers resolution act
    The War Powers Resolution Act said that the president of the America is obliged to report to the Congress within two days of putting United States forces in danger in a foreign country. The time period of a troop to be fighting in a foreign country was set to be a sixty to ninety day limit for over seas troop presence.This system was introduced within the Vietnam war, many at the time thought were were fighting for no certain cause. The act allowed for withdraw to lessen the chance of death.
  • Endangered Species Act

    Endangered Species Act
    Animals during this time period were on the verge of extinction and to prevent animals further blandishment of more animals, the United States Government passed the Endangered Species Act on the date of December twenty eight, nineteen seventy three to combat animal population scarcity. The act had three departments and consisted of Department of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, and Department of Defense.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley born in Memphis was individual who made rock and roll an cultural phenomenon, he adopted the rhythm & blues and combined it with gospel & country. Elvis was commonly known using only his first name and was an icon of popular culture most providently within the teenage culture. He was born extremely poor and created his own sexually suggestive dance style known as Elvis the Pelvis.Rock.
  • Native American Civil rights movement

    Native American Civil rights movement
    The Native American Civil rights movement occurred in the late nineteen century but spurred into action in nineteen seventy eight. The movement consisted of native Americans and were created to fight for natives rights. natives took actions into their own hands and fought for their rights, they also bought the prison of Alcatraz for 24 dollars and cloth ,because they were highly discriminated and in hopes to escape this they isolated themselves. This goes to show the situation they were in.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    The Camp David Accords was a historic peace agreement between the countries of Egypt and Israel. The Accords were signed by Three heads of State and signed on the date September seventeen nineteen seventy eight and was held at the Presidential retreat within the camp, Camp David. The country of Israel agreed to return the captured territory to Egypt and to negotiate Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    The Iran Hostage Crisis was a diplomatic issue that occurred on the date of November fourth, nineteen seventy nine. The crisis blew out of proportion when Iranian protesters seized the United States embassy in the middle east, holding sixty six American diplomats hostage for four hundred and forty four days. The United States President at the time,Carter was unable to free the hostages, and due to this showed that America wasn't the powerhouse that everyone though of the country to be.
  • Sandra Day O Conor

    Sandra Day O Conor
    Sandra Day O Conor is a retired Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Sandra served from her appointment in 1981 by Ronald Reagan until her retirement in 2006. She was the first woman to be appointed to the Court. Prior to O'Connor's appointment to the Court, she was an elected official and judge in Arizona serving as the first female Majority Leader in the United States as the Republican leader in the Arizona Senate.
  • Aids Crisis

    Aids Crisis
    Aids during the time period of the early eighteen and nineteenth century was ramp-id and as many as thirty seven thousand, seven hundred American citizens were dying in a one year time span. This rate was increased even more to the overdrive in sex without protection Aids is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body's ability to fight the organisms that cause disease. HIV is a sexually transmitted infection
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The internet is a global communication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information. The internet was created around the nineteen eighties and provided an amount of resources to the general public. The internet revolutionized the modern era and is now the most relied resource in today generation. The internet back in the nineties weren't as prevalent as today's generation, but was a start up to a magnificent tool that we use in the modern day.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    The Strategic Defense Initiative was Popularly known as Star Wars. The Strategic Defense Initiative was created by President Ronald Reagan and proposed that the SDI star wars would be the construction of an elaborate computer-controlled, anti-missile defense system capable of destroying enemy missiles in outer spaced. Critics claimed that SDI could never be perfected. It was also a tactic to be used against the Soviet Union, to let them put tons of money in developing a better SDI, it worked.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    Iran Contra Affair
    The Iran Contra Affair a political scandal in the United States that came to light in November 1986. During the Reagan administration, senior Reagan Administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo in hopes of securing the release of hostages and allowing U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras.
  • Challenger Explosion

    Challenger Explosion
    On the date of January twenty eight, nineteen eighty six. The space shuttle Challenger launched and exploded seventy three seconds into flight. eight astronauts were killed instantly within the shuttle. The explosion was caused by a faulty seal in the fuel tank. The shuttle program was discontinued and people lost hope in American technology. Investigators and officials drew up new safety regulations, and the space shuttle program was resumed in nineteen eighty eight.
  • E-mails

    The email was created within the early nineteenth century and was an invocation that transformed the way we communicated with each other. Before there was text messaging/ Instant messaging, people would email each other to communicate with each other, it was a more efficient and faster way to get out a message or just communicate with others. Emailing is still used in the modern era and is a prevalent and efficient tool that we could not live without.
  • Oprah Winfrey

    Oprah Winfrey
    Oprah Winfrey was born into a poor environment and poor family, but now she is the most prosperous African American women to date. Many know Oprah Winfrey as an inspirational woman and is admired for her courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities as an African women. Oprah has donated to as much as three hundred million dollars to charity and her own charity foundation. Oprah also hosts a television show were she brings Disabled, disadvantaged and underprivileged people onto her show.
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  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    The second Iraqi war occurred on the date of February the twenty eight, nineteen ninety one, and occurred because of the use and creation of missiles within the middle east. The Persian gulf war was initiated by the United States and was initiated to destroy weapons of mass destruction and prevent the creation of these harmful tools to be put in Saddam Hussein's hands. Iraq was prevented from using weapons of mass destruction due to it's invasion of Kuwait.
  • Rodney King Accident

    Rodney King Accident
    On the date of June, seventeen nineteen ninety one an African-American motorist driver Rodney King was stopped by white police officer and were beaten by Los Angeles Police Department officers Laurence Powell and Timothy Wind. Rodney was beaten with a tire iron and face two years of jail time as a punishment. Rodney King gotten multiple lacerations, broken right ankle, 11 cranial fractures worth of injuries from the policemen.
  • Election of 1992

    Election of 1992
    The election of nineteen nineteen two occurred between Bush and Gore, democrats chose Bill Clinton and Albert Gore Jr. as his running mate. Republicans chose Bush for another election and J. Dan forth Quayle as his running mate. Third candidate Ross Perot added color to the election by getting 19.7 million votes in the election. Clinton won, 370 to 168 in the Electoral College. Democrats also got control of both the House and the Senate.
  • World Trade Center Attack 1993

    World Trade Center Attack 1993
    The world trade center attack of occurred on the date of February twenty six 1993 and was the act of the Terrorist group Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda a network of Islamic terrorist organizations, led by Osama bin Laden. Al Qaeda's leader was a former united States citizen and studied abroad within America. The world trade center attack killed six American citizens and approximately injured around a thousand individuals. This terrorist attack was one of it's kind and was an attack on American soil.
  • Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    The Polio illness was a contagious viral illness that caused paralysis, with side effects including with difficulty of breathing & death towards many within the United States during this period. This viral illness had around sixty thousand Cases and thirty thousand deaths within the United States. The first vaccine was invented by Dr Jonas Salk and was a vaccine that required the use of needle injections. Albert Sabine created the vaccine to be taken orally through a pill.

    The North American Free Trade Agreement also known as NAFTA is a trade agreement between three north American Countries, that being the United States, Canada, and Mexico that reduce tariffs, eliminate trade barriers, create a common market, and increased trade and investment between the countries. The trade agreement increases relations with each country and provides economic stability and growth. The North American Free Trade Agreement was created on the date of November twentieth 1993.
  • Dr Jonas Salk

    Dr Jonas Salk
    Again, Polio illness was a contagious viral illness that caused paralysis, difficulty breathing & death towards many within the United States during this period. This viral illness had around sixty thousand Cases and thirty thousand deaths within the United States. In the presence of this illness, Dr Jonas Salk invented a vaccine to combat the the illness entirely, through an injection of a needle. This vaccine eliminated polio, Currently in the modern day only 1 country has a presence of polio
  • Balkin Crisis

    Balkin Crisis
    The Balkan crisis was a conflict between different religions such as the Bosnian Muslims, Serbs, and Croats. The conflict went out of hand, each sub religion within the region were were killing each other by reaching up ten thousand dead by the end of the crisis. President Clinton was forced to intervene and led the united States and NATO forces into the Middle East to maintain peace. NATO eventually launched a massive aerial bombardment of Serbia.
  • Lewinsky Affair

    Lewinsky Affair
    President Clinton was accused of having an affair with Lewinsky and denied that he had any sexual relationships with Lewinsky. Lewinsky also denied the affair that she had with president Clinton. Lewinsky later Lewinsky testified to the court that her first sexual encounter with President Clinton took place on November fifteen nineteen ninety five. President Clinton's DNA was later found on Lewinsky's dress and was later specified that Clinton had an affair with Lewinsky.
  • Bush v Gore

    Bush v Gore
    The 2000 presidential election was a stare down between the candidates George Bush and Gore. The presidential election was a battle between voting ballots. The state of Florida called for an automatic machine recount of ballots because the returns were so close, but a divided Supreme Court ruled that Florida's court-ordered recount of vote ballots was unconstitutional. The results were final and George bush was announced the United States 43rd President.
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  • 9/11 attack world trade center

    9/11 attack world trade center
    The 9/11 attack was a heartbreaking event and a event that would affect the United States on a large scale. The tragic terrorist attack left three thousand innocent American citizens dead. There were four planes used that were hijacked and were nosedived into different buildings. The most prevalent plane nosedive attack occurred within Manhattan New York and hit the world trade center, the other prevalent attack occurred within the pentagon.
  • Patriot act

    Patriot act
    The main purpose of the Patriot Act is to combat terrorism by tracing money that funds terrorist groups. The patriot was very effective in preventing terrorism and the ability to gather weapons of mass destruction. The patriot act can be seen as successful when the United States intervened within Iraq/ middle east to prevent Iraq from having weapons of mass destruction, this was due to Iraq invading the country of Kuwait for it's resources.
  • No child left behind education act

    No child left behind education act
    On the date of January eight, 2002, President George . Bush signed in the No Child Left Behind Act. The act was meant to try to help students, students (particularly minorities) in poor schools .A revision of the The Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
  • 2nd Iraq War Date

    2nd Iraq War Date
    The second Iraqi war occurred on the date of April the third 2003, and was sparked to prevent middle eastern countries such as Iraq to be able to obtain weapons of mass destruction such as missiles, atomic bombs most military equipment was prohibited and if created were destroyed by the United States if found. This mentality of the United States can be due to the Iraq invasion on the country of Kuwait, Kuwait (an Innocent Country) was invaded for it's resources.
  • Hurricane Katrina Disaster

    Hurricane Katrina Disaster
    Hurricane Katrina began was described as a low pressure on the weather system scale, which strengthened to become a tropical storm and eventually a hurricane as it moved west and neared the Florida coast on the evening of August. Hurricane Katrina crossed through southern Florida and left one hundred thousand American citizens left without their home. President George Bush was negatively look upon due to his inability to support those affected by Katrina.
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    The United States the financial crisis that started in the summer of 2007 and intensified in September 2008 marked the end of an era for U.S. investment banking. By 2009, output was 3.6% below potential and unemployment was up to 8.9%. By February 2010, 8.5 million jobs were lost
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
    The American Recovery and Reinvestment act was intended to create more jobs within the unstable American economy and promote more consumer spending during the recession that followed the financial collapse within 2008.The American Recovery act Reinvestment act was approved, but was reconsidered due to amount of money that was being poured into the act. The American economy improved, but at the cost of much government spending.
  • Affordable care act

    Affordable care act
    The affordable care act was created by Barack Obama on the date of march third 2010. The Act was to help those in need of financial aid, the act focused mainly on the minorities.The act wanted to expand health insurance coverage to an estimated thirty two million uninsured Americans and strengthen existing coverage, and it achieved that. The act increase benefits and lower costs for consumers provide new funding for public health facilities.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack Obama was the forty fourth and president of the United States that won the 2008 and 2012 elections and was the first American President that was African American. Barack Obama's administration campaigned for change and equality throughout the United States. Barrack Obama was also the first president and brought the largest presidential inauguration attendance. Barrack Obama was a conservative president, but ruined the American economy.